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The Review of Korean Studies

In Search of Korean Historical Authenticity: Moon Il-pyeong and the Concept of “Joseonsim”

The Review of Korean Studies / The Review of Korean Studies, (P)1229-0076; (E)2773-9351
2024, v.27 no.1, pp.201-223
Kyu-hyun JO
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Korean historian Moon Il-pyeong’s concept of “Joseonsim,” or the spiritual essence of Korean culture, emphasized retaining a respect for traditional Korean culture, especially unique Korean inventions such as Hangeul. He was a sharp critic of what he deemed to be Korea’s excessive reliance on Chinese culture and customs to the extent of belittling Korean tradition and customs and urged the Korean public to have pride in Korea’s authentic national culture. Such emphasis on “Joseonsim” formed the core of Moon’s nationalist understanding of history, for he sought to use history as a vehicle to educate the Korean public about Korean history as a means to overcome both the traditional Sinophile attitude and the Westernization of Korean society through Japanese colonialism.

Moon Il-pyeong, Joseonsim, historical authenticity, Korea, China, nationalism

The Review of Korean Studies