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The Review of Korean Studies

Korea as Represented in Eighteenth-Century French Travel Literature

The Review of Korean Studies / The Review of Korean Studies, (P)1229-0076; (E)2773-9351
2006, v.9 no.4, pp.83-102

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Du Halde, Prvost, Rgis, Hamel, Jesuits, 18th century, travelliteratureapproach to the past and focused on understanding the world based on individ-ual experiences and concerns. It acknowledged the need for secular happinessand praised nature, and in, Du Halde, Prvost, Rgis, Hamel, Jesuits, 18th century, travelliteratureapproach to the past and focused on understanding the world based on individ-ual experiences and concerns. It acknowledged the need for secular happinessand praised nature, and in

The Review of Korean Studies