Purpose – Entrepreneurship has started to emerge. There are huge technology startups from the past few decades. Current scenario demands entrepreneurship and there is an immense need to start green ventures where Eco-Entrepreneurs, Sustainable Entrepreneurs/ Sustainopreneurs strive together to make world a better place. But the latest Five-Year Plan is green, at least in theory regarding developing countries. The paper explores what factors turn entrepreneurs into Sustainopreneurs. Research Design, Data, and Methodology – Research design is followed by the interviews from fifteen sustainopreneurs and entrepreneurs who are actively involved in green businesses. The interviews have been analyzed by categorization method to find out factors which turned them to be sustainable entrepreneurs. Results – The results have shown the factors which helps in leading entrepreneurs to become Sustainopreneurs. These factors are present in the entrepreneurs which lead them to start a venture for a cause. Conclusions – The proposed findings are helpful in further study of Sustainopreneurship and the fact that there should be some steps taken by policy makers, and sustainopreneurs to promote eco-businesses.
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