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ACOMS+ 및 학술지 리포지터리 설명회

  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


  • P-ISSN1976-9849
  • E-ISSN1976-9849

투고 안내

All submitted manuscripts should contain original research not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. All materials submitted will be subjected to review by appropriate referees selected by the Editorial office. The Editors reserve the right to improve the grammar and style of manuscripts. The corresponding author is responsible on behalf of all authors for the submission. Papers must be written in English.



Journal of Evidence-Based Herbal Medicine (JEBHM) is an international journal for publication of original research and reviews on the interactions between bioactive natural products and biological systems. JEBHM is dedicated to experimental therapeutics, especially focused on the discovery of innovative drug targets and novel pharmacophores. JEBHM encourages submissions in the all fields of natural medicine.


Type of Manuscript

  1. Research articles:
    Articles cover full reports of research work that must be written according to the guidelines described (Organization of the Manuscript) with the minimum length for a precise description and clear interpretation of experimental work. 
  2. Reviews:
    Biomolecules & Therapeutics publishes focused reviews on important or emerging topics related to the fields of drug discovery and new therapeutics. 
  3. Errata:
    The erratum provides a means of correcting errors that occurred during the writing, typing, editing, or printing of a published paper.


Submission of Manuscript

A new manuscript should be submitted electronically (via online) in the e-submission section of the journal's homepage. The cover letter should contain contact information for the submitting author (address, zip code, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address), and information about the authors and the manuscript. A list of potential suggested and/or excluded reviewers can be included in the cover letter, although such a list is not required. This letter should be submitted in a separate file. The text should be prepared using a Microsoft Word file. Please submit the figures in one PDF file (.pdf ) and the text in another Word file for the review process. Supplemental data can be uploaded as a separate file. Following acceptance of a manuscript, authors should upload a high quality digital file (saved as EPS, TIFF, or PPT files) containing the final version of figures via the online submission system. If the memory size of digital files exceeds the capacity of the online submission system, authors should submit them to the office via E-mail, or provide a CD or a USB by regular mail. If authors do not provide electronic figure files, publication will be delayed.


Organization of the Manuscript

The manuscript must be typewritten using only Times New Roman font 12 and double-spaced throughout, including references, tables, and figure legends, with at least on 1-inch margins. Manuscripts should contain the following sections, and all pages should be numbered consecutively. 

1. Title Page
This should contain an article title of less than 150 characters, the authors' names and complete affiliations, and the name and address for manuscript correspondence (including e-mail address and fax number). Note that the title should not contain any nonstandard abbreviations. The corresponding author must confirm that the correspondence address in the manuscript coincides with the address in the cover letter. 

2. Abstract
The abstract should succinctly and clearly present the major findings reported in the manuscript. It must not exceed 250 words nor contain abbreviations or specialized terms. After the abstract, a list of up to 6 keywords should be included that will be useful for indexing or searching. 

3. Introduction
This section should present the purpose of the reported studies and their relationship to earlier work in the field. It should not be an extensive review of the literature nor, in general, exceed two typed pages. 

4. Materials and Methods
This section should contain explicit, concise descriptions of all new methods or procedures employed. Whereas modifications of previously published methods must be described, commonly used procedures require only a citation of the original source. Descriptions of methods must be sufficiently complete to permit a qualified reader to repeat the reported experiments. The name and location (city, state, and country) of commercial suppliers of chemicals, reagents, and equipment must be given. 

5. Results
This section contains experimental data, but with no discussion of their significance. Results are typically presented in figures and tables, with no duplication of information in the text. Magnitudes of reported variables should be expressed in numerals. Generally, units are abbreviated without punctuation, and with no distinction between singular and plural forms (e.g., 1 mg, 25 mg). Sufficient data should be presented to allow for judgment concerning the variability and reliability of the results. Statistical probability (p) in tables, figures, and figure legends should be expressed as *p<0.05, **p<0.01, and ***p<0.001. For second comparisons within a table, footnotes italicized in lower case, and superscript letters (a, b, c, etc) are used and defined in the table legend. 

6. Discussion
This section should focus on interpretation of the results, rather than be a repetition of the Results section. It must be as concise as possible and should not exceed four typed pages. 

7. Acknowledgments
The acknowledgments section should be brief and should precede the references. Personal assistance and financial support are noted here. 

8. References
References are cited in the text by giving the first author's surname (or the surnames of the first and second authors for a two-author paper) and the year of publication (e.g. Kim, 1999; Hayaishi and Ueda, 1982; or Ayrton et al., 1991). In the reference list, the references should be arranged by alphabetical order of the surname of the first author and not numbered. The names of all authors should be given in the reference list. If reference is made to more than one publication by the same author( s) in the same year, suffixes (a, b, c, etc.) should be added to the year in the text citation and in the references list. Abbreviations for journals should conform to the most recent edition of the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index. For citing materials on the internet and patents, the PubMed Central Guidelines available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/pmcdoc/ tagging-guidelines/citations/v3/toc.html#d3e55110 or http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/pmcdoc/tagging-guidelines/ citations/v3/patents.html) should be followed. References to personal communications, unpublished observations, and papers submitted for publication are given in parentheses at the appropriate location in the text, not in the list of references. Only papers that have been officially accepted for publication may be cited as "in press" in the reference list. The number of references should not exceed 50 for an original article and 150 for a review article. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. The formats for journal articles, chapters, and book references are as follows:

  • Journal article:
    Ayrton, A. D., Ioannides, C. and Canter, H. V. (1991) Induction of the cytochrome p450 I and IV families and peroxisomal proliferation in the liver of rats treated with benoxaprofen. Biochem. Pharmacol. 42, 109-115.
  • Book reference:
    Hayaishi, O. and Ueda, K. (1982) ADP-ribosylation reactions, Biology and Medicine. Academic Press., New York.
  • Book chapter:
    Price, D. and Williams-Ashman, H. G. (1961) The accessory reproductive glands of mammals. In Sex and Internal Secretions (W. C. Young, Ed.), pp. 366-448. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore.

9. Footnotes
Footnotes should be listed on a separate page and used to provide thesis information and citation of meeting abstracts where the work was previously presented, etc.

10. Tables
Tables should have titles and sufficient experimental detail in a legend immediately following the title to be understandable without reference to the text. Each column in a table must have a heading, and abbreviations, when necessary, should be defined in the legend.

11. Figures
Figures should have titles and explanatory legends containing sufficient details for interpretation. All legends should be printed consecutively in a separate section of the manuscript. All letters in figures must be written in the Arial font and be uniform in size and style within each figure. The size of all figures must be prepared the same as appeared in the ultimately published paper (as 1, 1.5, or 2 column-width 87 mm, 120 mm, 178 mm, respectively). Figures should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals. Artwork that is supplied electronically must be prepared in high resolution and sent to the Publishing office after acceptance; 1,200 dpi bitmap mode for black and white images such as line graphs, 600 dpi grayscale mode for images such as gels or blots , and 600 dpi CMYK mode for color images. EPS or TIFF files are recommended. Powerpoint files are acceptable only when the resolution of images meets the publication quality requirements. Color figures (saved as CMYK files) should be submitted only if reproduction in color is intended. A scale bar should be supplied with photomicrographs. Symbols and abbreviations must be defined in the figure legends. If figure editing is required by the editorial staff for publication in Biomolecules & Therapeutics, charges for figure artwork may be issued to the corresponding authors. 

12. Supplemental Data
Supplemental data are peer-reviewed materials directly relevant to the conclusion of an article that cannot be included in the printed version. Supplemental data are not subedited, so authors should ensure that it is supplied ready for publication online. Accepted supplemental file formats are Microsoft Office files, movie files (.mov/.mpg), and Acrobat files (.pdf ).


The cover letter must state that manuscripts contain original materials, not published and not being considered for publication elsewhere by another journal in whole or in part in any language, including publicly accessible web sites, except as an abstract. Studies involving human subjects and/or parts of human tissues should be performed in accordance with the ethical standards set by the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association in 1964, and revised in 2004. The authors also must certify that animal experiments were conducted in accordance with the guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals approved by the authors' institutional review board or responsible governmental administrations. General instructions in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (www.icmje.org)' can be applied for the research and publication ethics issues not covered by JEBHM.


Gender Policy 

Authors ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors), and, unless inappropriate, report the sex and/or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex and gender. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, for example in only one sex, authors should justify why, except in obvious cases (e.g., prostate cancer). Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify their relevance.


Conflict of Interest

When a corresponding author submits a manuscript to JEBHM, she or he is responsible for disclosing all financial relationships of authors (such as employment, honoraria, consultancies, stock ownership, stock option, etc.) in the manuscript which may bias the work in the manuscript. The corresponding author must complete a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form on behalf of all authors and submit the form to the editorial office. If a potential conflict of interest is declared, a notification concerning the relationship will be published. The research or project funding/support should be declared in the 'Acknowledgments' section of the manuscript.


Editorial Review

All manuscripts are subjected to editorial peer review. Upon submission, each manuscript will be quality checked by the editorial office before being sent for review, usually by an Editor and two more referees. The referee's comments and Editor's recommendation will be reviewed by the Editor-in Chief, who will communicate the decision to the author. A paper may be accepted in its original form or accepted subject to revision. The reviewers' suggestions will be conveyed to the corresponding author without identifying the designated editor and reviewers and the author will have an opportunity for revision. If a manuscript returned to an author for revision is held longer than two months, or if revision is sufficiently extensive, the date of receipt of the revised manuscript will be substituted for the initial date of receipt.


After Acceptance

Upon acceptance, authors must transfer copyright to the Korean Society of Oriental Pharmacy by submitting the Copyright Transfer Agreement. The Copyright Transfer Agreement should be signed by the corresponding author. Unless this agreement is signed, JEBHM will not publish the manuscript. The manuscripts requiring English correction will be edited by a contracted English editing service and the charge for English editing may be issued to the corresponding author. Corresponding authors will receive proofs by e-mail (PDF proofs). Authors must check the proofs and return any corrections within 48 hours. The content of an article cannot be changed during galley proof reading. Please note that request for erratum to append or change authors or acknowledgement section will not be accepted after publication in an online issue.


