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8. Reynolds EC, Cai F, Shen P, Walker GD. Retention in plaque and remineralization of enamel lesions by various forms of calcium in a mouthrinse or sugar free chewing gum. J Dent Res 2003:82:206-211.
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12. Reynolds EC, Cai F, Shen P, Walker GD. Retention in plaque and remineralization of enamel lesions by various forms of calcium in mouthrinse or sugar-free chewing gum. J Dent Res 2003;82:206-211.
13. Iijima Y, Cai F, Shen P, Walker G, Reynolds C, Reynolds EC. Acid resistance of enamel subsurface lesions remineralized by a sugar-free chewing gum containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate. Caries Res 2004;38:551-556.
14. Schirrmeister JF, Seger RK, Altenburger MJ, Lussi A, Hellwig E. Effects of various forms of calcium added to chewing gum on initial enamel carious lesions in situ. Caries Res 2007;41:108-114.
15. Cai F, Manton DJ, Shen P, Walker GD, Cross KJ, Yuan Y, Reynolds C, Reynolds EC. Effect of addition of citric acid and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate to a sugar-free chewing gum on enamel remineralization in situ. Caries Res 2007;41:377-383.
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