open access
ISSN : 0376-4672
The demand for tooth-colored restorations has grown considerably during the last decade. Posterior composite restorations have risen in popularity as a result of the development of improved resin composites, bonding systems and operating techniques. A major limitation of direct composite restoration is the difficulty of controlling the polymerization shrinkage. To overcome this limitation, the indirect fabrication of a composite restoration and cementation with resin cement has been advocated. Unfortunately, the current available resin cements with indirect restorations do not always bond to dentin as strongly as dentin adhesive systems bond with direct resin composite restorations. Several procedural strategies have been proposed for indirect composite restoration. In this regard, the rationale for the indication, characteristics and clinical application is described in this paper. As a result, we will try to suggest the evidence-based guidelines for indirect composite restorations by reviewing each available indirect composite products, technical procedure and pronosis.
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