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메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
An oro-antral fistula(OAF) is one of the most common complications after procedures at the maxillary posterior area. The purpose of this study was to introduce the closure of OAF with repair of the Schneiderian membrane. This case report includes three patients with OAF arising after dental surgery on molar region of maxilla. Under general anesthesia, fistulectomy was achieved in all three patients and the full thickness flap around OAF was raised. After removal of inflammatory tissue, the Schneiderian membrane was repaired with suture or application of fibrin sealant. Additional closures were then performed with a buccal fat pad flap and a buccal mucoperiosteal flap. All OAF in three patients enrolled in this study were closed successively without recurrence of fistula. Treatment of oroantral fistula using repair of the Schneiderian membrane is a good alternative option for patients with OAF accompanied by chronic maxillary sinusitis.
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