open access
ISSN : 0376-4672
Purpose: This study aims to identify the utilization of claimed dental implants and the related factors in South Korea using the Anderson behavioral model. Materials and Methods: This study used the Health Checkup Cohort DB, claimed data from the National Health Insur ance Service (NHIS), to identify changes in the utilization of dental implants and related factors. The study population was selected as 75 years old because they were covered by NHIS since the first year, 2014. Finally, the sample subjects in the analysis were 63,880. The data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 26.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 26.0. SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA). Results: The dental implant utilization rate of the study population increased continuously, from 3.4% in Phase 1 to 6.3% and 7.0% in Phase 2 and 3, respectively. The significant differences by region, insurance type, and disability were shown in Phases 1 and 2 (p<0.05), but it was insignificant in Phase 3 (p>0.05). In the fully adjusted logistic regression model, the probability of using dental implants was 1.9 times higher in the higher Phase than the others. The people who had annual oral examinations showed a two times higher possibility of having dental implant surgery. Conclusions: It is necessary to review the recent claiming trends and related factors before the decision-making for cover age, especially dental coverage with huge effects, such as dental implants.