- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect Jukryuk and Saengkang-juice's on Cerebral vascular ischemia(CVI) of the Middle cerebral artery(MCA).Method : By administration Jukryuk and Saengkang-juice's, we compared treated groups with not treated groups, in view of five points as follows ① cerebral damage ② damaged area of ischemia ③ cerebral edema ④ the number of neuronal cells adjacent to the areas damaged by ischemia ⑤ the number of neuronal cells adjacent to the areas damaged by ischemiaResults : In this experiment, Jukryuk and Saengkang-juice's obtained by inducing cerebral vascular ischemia after occluding the middle cerebral artery (MCA) in mice, and making observations and comparisons such as alterations in damaged areas and neuronal cellular changes in the brain.Conclusions : According to the above results, Jukryuk and Saengkang-juice's can protect the cerebral vascular ischemia.