• P-ISSN1010-0695
  • E-ISSN2288-3339

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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

Proposal for Pulse Diagnosis Positions (Chon-Kwan-Chuk) for Pulse Analyzer Based on Literature Review and Anthropmetry

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2007, v.28 no.3, pp.13-22

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Objectives: To obtain pulse information, oriental medical doctors usually use the three finger pulse diagnosis method. Although the diagnostic positions are very important, the exact positions are not known because of the uncertain conversion of measures of length (bun, chon, chuk) and misunderstanding of the related concepts of oriental medicine. In this study, we proposed relative positions for the detection of three pulses with a pulse analyzer. Methods: The proposal was made based mainly on several literature reviews, especially the original texts, and the examination of anthropometric characteristics of 78 individuals. Results: The Kwan is the spot where the radial pulse can be felt well near the eminent head of the radius at wrist, high bone. The position of Chon should be apart from Kwan by 6/10 distance between the high bone and wrist joint of each individual. Finally, the position of Chuk is apart from Kwan by 6.5/100 distance between the high bone and the elbow joint of each individual. Conclusions: Adapting those proposed positions for measuring three pulses can provide more consistent information to what an oriental doctor obtains than a pulse analyzer applied to other positions.

Chon-Kwan-Chuk, pulse analyzer, high bone, relative position, Chon-Kwan-Chuk, pulse analyzer, high bone, relative position



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