- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Objective: This study researched the application of Sa-am acupuncture for the treatment of hiccup. Methods: We investigated the literature for Sa-am acupuncture treatment and traditional acupuncture treatment for hiccup. Result & Conclusion: In traditional oriental medicine, hiccup is considered to be caused by uprising stomach gi, whereas, in Sa-am acupuncture, it is considered to be caused by weakness and impurity of lung gi. In Sa-am acupuncture, hiccup is divided into five classes; reverse hiccup (treated with large intestine tonification), wind hiccup (treated with liver tonification), fire hiccup (treated with heart tonification), damp hiccup (treated with spleen tonification) and cold hiccup (treated with kidney tonification). In traditional oriental medicine, hiccup is treated by way of lowering the uprising stomach gi, while, in Sa-am acupuncture, hiccup is treated by way of removing whichever of the original cause of hiccups (impurity of large intestine, damage to liver, dry heat of heart, impairment of spleen, exhaustion of kidney) caused the weakness and the impurity of lung gi. In Sa-am acupuncture, the therapeutic mode for all the five causes of hiccups is tonification mode.
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