- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Because of the changes of a variety of aspects of disease theory alternative to standard medicine, demand for traditional medicine has increased. This study was undertaken to grasp and compare traditional-medicine administrative structure, functions and role between Korea and China. According to our research, both nations promote policy related to traditional-medicine, yet there are various differences because of each nation's scale, political structure, medical system, etc. Especially, compare to the Korean government, the Chinese government not only has paid more attention to traditional medicine but also established and promoted a synthesis development strategy for a long time. Additionally, there is weakness in Korea's traditional medicine policy compared to the Chinese’s Synthetic development-strategy, which is the Oriental-policy Department and Korea Food&Drug administration. Therefore, to make up for the weakness, they will have to organize their role better and make a long-term development-strategy plan for traditional medicine.
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