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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

Effects of Sagunjatang-Ga-Nokyong on Neurologic Recovery in Rats after Spinal Cord Injury

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2008, v.29 no.5, pp.1-13

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Objective : This study is investigate the effects of Sagunjatang-Ga-Nokyong(SGJ-NY) treatment on regenerative responses of corticospinal tract(CST) axons in the injured spinal cord. Methods :Using rats, we damaged their spinal cord, and then applied SGJ-NY extract to the lesion. Then we observed GAP-43 and NGF protein, strcyte, axonal regeneration responses and axonal elongation. Result :Determination of GAP-43 and NGF protein levels were increased. And increased proliferation of astrocyte and enhanced processes in astrocytes were observed by SGJ-NY treatment. Higher number of astrocytes within the injury cavity in SGJ-NY treated group were showed, yet CSPG proteins were a weaker staining in the cavity in SGJ-NY. CST axons extended into the cavity and to the caudal area in SGJ-NY treated group were increased. Conclusion : SGJ-NY treatment might increase neural activity in the injured spinal cord tissue, and improved axonal regeneration responses. In this process, activation of astrocytes may play a role in promoting enhanced axonal elongation. the current study show that SGJ-NY exerts positive activity on inducing nerve regeneration responses by elevating neural tissue migration activities.

Sagunjatang-Ga-Nokyong, spinal cord injury, neurologic recovery



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Journal of Korean Medicine