• P-ISSN1010-0695
  • E-ISSN2288-3339

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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

Non-comparative Study for the Observation of Clinical Efficacy and Safety of CheungYeolYiSeup-tang and Hwangbaek External dressings on Dampness-Heat Pattern Atopic Dermatitis

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2008, v.29 no.5, pp.41-51

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Objective:To observe the efficacy and safety of CheungYeolYiSeup-tang and Hwangbaek external dressings on dampness-heat pattern atopic dermatitis(AD) in a non-comparative study. Methods:10 patients with AD were included for 4 weeks of treatment. Efficacy and safety assessment included the scoring atopic dermatitis index(SCORAD), typical signs and symptoms of AD, results of some laboratory tests related to toxicity, and the incidence of adverse events. Results:Improvements in efficacy parameters were observed and produced no significant changes in laboratory tests related to toxicity in these patients. Their SCORAD results significantly decreased after 4weeks(P value<.01, according to the Wilcoxon sum of ranks test). Similarly, significant reductions from baseline in subjective pruritus scores and (P value<.05 by the Wilcoxon sum of ranks test) and the mean average of individual signs and symptoms of AD were reported after 4 weeks(P value<.05, P<0.01 by the Wilcoxon sum of ranks test). There were no significant changes in eosinophil, neutrophil, lymphocyte, immunoglobulin E and ESR in blood serum by paired t- test. Conclusion:CheungYeolYiSeup-tang administration and Hwangbaek external dressings are an effective and safe treatment for the management of dampness-heat pattern atopic dermatitis.

atopic dermatitis, herb-medicine, CheungYeolYiSeup-tang, Hwangbaek external dressings, Dampness-Heat pattern, atopic dermatitis, herb-medicine, CheungYeolYiSeup-tang, Hwangbaek external dressings, Dampness-Heat pattern



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