• P-ISSN1010-0695
  • E-ISSN2288-3339

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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

Mapping Korean Medicinal Material Concepts to UMLS

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2011, v.32 no.6, pp.85-94
Jin-hyun Kim (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)

Chul Kim (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
Sang-jun Yea (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
Byoung-uk Jeon (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
Mi-young Song (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
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Objectives: This pilot study was carried out with the purpose of suggesting a methodology on mapping and registering Korean medicinal material concepts at 2011AB of the UMLS. Methods: 411 medicinal material concepts were mapped to biomedical terminology within the metathesaurus of the UMLS. Based on the forms of listing on the UMLS and thesauri information, the medicinal material concepts were classified into three groups and mapped. Results: 76 concepts in Group 1 which English CUIs have Chinese AUIs were mapped considering scientific names and Chinese strings. 259 concepts in Group 2 that have CUIs in the form of ‘botanical name/Chinese pinyin’ were mapped with the information of Korean and Chinese Pharmacopoeias. Groups 3, 76 concepts of English names in the Korean Pharmacopoeia are matched considering their botanic names and used parts. Conclusion: This study suggested a methodology to map Korean medicinal material concepts to international standard terminology, which will help ensure interoperability and compatibility between traditional medicine terminology and the UMLS.

Korean medicinal material concepts, UMLS, interoperability, traditional medicine terminology



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Journal of Korean Medicine