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The Advantages of Acceptance of Neo-Confucianism during the Joseon Dynasty: South Korea History

Journal of Koreanology Reviews / Journal of Koreanology Reviews, (E)2950-8835
2024, v.3 no.1, pp.15-21
Hee-Joong Hwang (Korea National Open University)
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Neo-Confucianism fettered the society and the individuals regulating such aspects as roles and relationships within a family, rites, and ceremonies. The mandated practice of filiality challenged the Confucian paradigm of gender relations, exposing women to men and the notion of following elders' instructions, which preserved authoritarian power relations within an ancestral line. This ideological base was beneficial for preserving social stability and integrity and aimed to create a set of ideals and norms that would apply to everyone, thus keeping people together. This conceptual investigation aims to identify the benefits of accepting Neo-Confucianism during the Joseon Dynasty and how it emerged as the foundation for the nation's and society's governance. Neo-Confucianism was not an immobile value system but an active factor contributing to the success, development, and positive changes in Joseon Korea; it is the aim of this study to provide a comprehensive account and exegesis of the role and impact of Neo-Confucianism in the Korean historical process. The study will examine the lessons that can be drawn from these historical facts of South Korean history in the modern state, particularly in the areas of governance, education, and social integration.

Neo-Confucianism, Joseon Dynasty, Korea History.
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Journal of Koreanology Reviews