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ACOMS+ 및 학술지 리포지터리 설명회

  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


  • E-ISSN2288-7709
  • KCI

KCI Impact Factor

KCI Impact Factor(2022)

2013 - 2024논문 발행년도

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Purpose: This study aims to analyze the impact of local food brand equity on consumers' purchase motivation, with a focus on the mediating effects of perceived value and consumer attitude. Research design, data and methodology: To achieve this, a survey was conducted with consumers who visited local food stores, and 487 valid samples were analyzed. The research model included brand equity as the independent variable, perceived value and consumer attitude as mediating variables, and purchase motivation as the dependent variable. Through regression analysis and serial multiple mediation analysis using SPSS 24.0 and Process Macro. Results: The results revealed that brand equity positively influences purchase motivation, with brand awareness and perceived quality playing significant roles. Additionally, both perceived value and consumer attitude were found to have strong mediating effects between brand equity and purchase motivation. Conclusions: These findings suggest that local food brand equity is a critical factor in increasing consumer purchase motivation, and perceived value and consumer attitude are key mediators in this process. This study provides strategic insights for local food brand management, emphasizing the importance of enhancing brand equity, perceived value, and consumer attitudes to better engage consumers and drive market growth.



Purpose: This study investigates the challenges and conflicts arising from complaints in alleyway housing redevelopment projects, aiming to generate actionable insights for improving project outcomes. The purpose of this research is to explore the nature of these complaints, understand their origins, and propose effective administrative strategies for mitigation. Research design, data and methodology: Employing focus group interviews (FGI) as a primary data collection method, this study reviews existing legislative and procedural frameworks to contextualize the complaints within governmental response mechanisms. Results: Initial findings indicate that high resident interest and responsiveness in early project stages lead to fewer complaints. However, the formation of steering committees often triggers significant grievances due to asymmetrical information and unclear project planning. Complaints intensify following the establishment of associations, evolving into legal disputes over rights, legitimacy, and financial aspects, eventually decreasing significantly after the management disposition phase. Conclusions: The study underscores the need for improved communication strategies and transparent administrative practices in managing alleyway housing redevelopment projects. Implementing centralized control mechanisms similar to those in the USA could provide a structured approach to complaint management, significantly reducing project delays and resident dissatisfaction.



Purpose: Short-form travel video plays a significant role in promoting the development of the global tourism industry and the recovery of tourism after prolonged health crises. However, only a limited number of studies have explored the specific influence of short-form video tourism content on individuals’ travel behavioral intentions particularly from the perspectives of mental imagery formation and information processing fluency. This study bridges this gap by integrating the theory of mental imagery with processing fluency, applying these concepts to the domains of tourism and short-form video research. Research design, data and methodology: Data were gathered using a web-based survey method with Chinese short-form video users (N=390). Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were employed to assess the research model and test the hypotheses. Results: This study examines the structural influence of comprehension fluency and imagery fluency, which act as both direct and indirect antecedents to mental imagery elaboration, ultimately shaping individuals' intentions to visit a destination. Conclusions: This study delves deeper into the role of processing fluency in mental imagery, addressing the gaps in existing research on the “processing fluency-mental imagery” framework. The findings provide both theoretical and practical insights into how individuals process short-form travel video and how this processing influences their intentions regarding travel behavior.



Objective: The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of foreign aid on income inequality in Nepal with disaggregation of foreign aid into four major sectors: social sector, economic sector, production sector, and multi-sector. Methodology: This study uses time-series annual data over the period 2002-2023. The autoregressive distributed lag; bound test and error correction model are applied to find short-run and long-run impact. Result: The bounds test for cointegration, confirms that there is no long-run relationship between the dependent variable and the set of covariates in all regressions. The short-term dynamics results indicate that aggregated foreign aid has a negative and statistically significant impact on income inequality in Nepal. When foreign aid is disaggregated by sector, its impact varies. Aid directed toward the social sector and multi-sector initiatives appears to reduce income inequality, whereas aid to the economic and production sectors shows a weaker and inconsistent effect on inequality. Conclusion: Social and multi-sector aid effectively reduces inequality by directing funds to health, education, social services, and environmental protection projects benefiting low-income populations. Conversely, economic and production sector aid often supports urban projects, reaching fewer marginalized communities. Policymakers should prioritize social programs and adapt economic aid to promote inclusive growth, such as rural infrastructure and small enterprise support, to improve equity. Also, Nepal should adopt policies that prioritize sustainable and inclusive development to strengthen the long-term relationship between aid and inequality.



Purpose: This study explores the impact of flow on positive subjective experience, perceived behavioral control, and e-WOM among subscription economy consumers. Skill, challenge, and playfulness were used as the primary factors of flow. Research design, data, and methodology: A survey was conducted among NAVER Plus Membership subscribers in their 20s to 50s in the Seoul metropolitan area of South Korea who have experience using the subscription economy, and SPSS and AMOS were used to test the research hypotheses. Results: First, subscription economy consumer flow has a significant impact on positive subjective experience. Second, subscription economy consumer flow has a significant impact on perceived behavioral control. Third, subscription economy consumer flow has a significant effect on e-WOM. Conclusions: This study studied subscription economy consumer flow as a secondary factor and identified its influence on positive subjective experience, perceived behavioral control, and e-WOM. Practically, subscription economy companies should build user experiences that enable consumers to increase their flow with the right skills, challenges, and enjoyment, which positively impacts positive subjective experience, perceived behavioral control, and e-WOM.



Purpose: In this study, the feasibility of developing distribution warehouses was analyzed from an economic and location perspective, focusing on the southern part of Gyeonggi-do.. Research design, data and methodology: By analyzing the business feasibility of the location considering the potential of Anseong City, Yongin City, Pyeongtaek City, and Icheon City, which have excellent location conditions for logistics warehouses, we would like to suggest the optimal supply direction and secure stable volume of logistics services.. Results: As a result of analyzing Yongin, Anseong, Pyeongtaek, and Icheon as examples in the southern part of Gyeonggi-do, it was found that the logistics warehouse business is economically feasible in most regions. As a result of the analysis of Anseong City, low-temperature warehouses recorded a return of about 11.7%, showing higher economic feasibility than room-temperature warehouses. Conclusions: The southern part of Gyeonggi Province is suitable for the development of logistics warehouses, and investment in high value-added facilities such as low-temperature logistics warehouses is expected to be promising.

Young-Hee RO(Kangnam University) ; Hye-Min KIL(Kangnam University) ; Hyun-Soo LEE(reemoving company corp) ; Hyun-Jin LEE(reemoving company corp) ; Yeon-Ah KIM(Kangnam University) ; Chung-Man GUK(Kangnam University) pp.79-89 https://doi.org/10.2048/jemm.2024.12.6.79


Purpose: TIn an aging society, maintaining the physical and mental health of middle-aged and older adults and enhancing their quality of life have become significant social challenges. This study aimed to explore the effectiveness, limitations, and areas for improvement of AI-based motion analyzers by providing a personalized exercise program to 21 individuals aged 50 and above who utilized the OO Comprehensive Social Welfare Center. Research design, data and methodology: Over six months, participants engaged in personalized exercise programs designed by the motion analyzer, and their results were analyzed. Results: The analysis revealed that AI-based motion analyzers hold promising potential as effective tools for improving the health of middle-aged and older adults. Conclusions: By collecting and quantitatively analyzing participants' exercise performance data in real time, motion analyzers were confirmed to possess practical potential for active application in health management and rehabilitation therapy processes.
