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  • P-ISSN 2799-7995
  • E-ISSN 2951-2069

A Study on the Modernity of the Faith System of the Daesoon Jinrihoe: Centering around the Concept of Kant’s Moral Beliefs

Journal of Daesoon Studies / Journal of Daesoon Studies, (P)2799-7995; (E)2951-2069
2024, v.6, pp.55-77
Dae-hyeon Kim (Daejin University)
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Modernity is every individual’s demand for human life. The period of modern era may be the period when the omnidirectional movement toward the humanistic orientation of freedom, equality, peace, and love from oppression, confrontation, and inequality was maximized. Mentioning modernity and contemplating modernity is an important criterion for reading the mental awareness of a country organization. In world history, Europe’s historical activities toward modernity continue to this day and have a profound influence on world culture and civilization. On the other hand, Korea’s modern achievements are not receiving much attention compared to the greatness. The lack of public awareness to the modern legacy of the Kang Jeungsan’ Daesoon Jinrihoe makes us feel a lot of regret when considering the case of Europe. Europe put its modern heritage at the forefront of history and formed a national consensus to make it a driving force for growth. It is the result of an understanding of its own spiritual heritage and pride. The fundamental origin of Korea’s modern spirit lies in the thought of Kang Jeungsan and his ‘Cheonji Gongsa’(天地公事; Reordering of the Universe). The DaesunJinrihoe who has succeeded the kang Jeung-san has made the reverence and realization of ethical morality the fundamental value for the new era. Kant’s understanding of the absolute being through moral beliefs forms a point of contact with the religious view of Daesoon thought which honors ethical morality, and here it reaffirms the modern value of Daesoon thought.

modernity, Daesoon Jinrihoe, rational faith, ethics, morality

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Journal of Daesoon Studies