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  • P-ISSN 2671-8197
  • E-ISSN 2733-936X

A Study of <The Singing Wen> Adapted from Hokpuri yŏngkam in Early Twentieth‒century Hawai’i

Korean Studies Quarterly / Korean Studies Quarterly, (P)2671-8197; (E)2733-936X
2021, v.44 no.1, pp.7-41
HEEYOUNG CHOI (Northern Illinois University)
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This paper examines the contents, social background, and purposes of The Singing Wen, a Korean play that Korean Hawaiians adapted from a Korean folk tale, Hokpuri yŏngkam in the late 1930s. The play was premiered at the 1940 Korean Spring Festival, one of the multicultural events where different ethnic groups shared their own tradition and culture in early twentieth‒century Hawai’i. The play adapted the Japanese version based on goblin; yet, multi‒generational Korean Hawaiians transformed it into a totally new performance by adding new characters, plots, and diverse cultural elements showing Koreanness(e.g., traditional marriage; religion; food; language; costume; residential environment; music; and dance). As this study argues, the Koreans in Hawai‘i, freed from Japanese colonial policies repressing Korean culture, preserved Korean ethnic identity and showed their adaptability to new cultural environments through performing arts like The Singing Wen. This study contributes to deepening our understanding of the Korean diaspora and Hokpuri yŏngkam, which has been known as one of the vestiges of Japanese imperialism.

Hokpuri yŏngkam, Early twentieth‒century Hawai’i, Diasporic culture, Ethnic identity, Multiculturalism, 혹부리 영감, 20세기 초 하와이, 이민자 문화, 민족 정체성, 다문화주의



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<The Singing Wen> 시놉시스, 대본, 및 소책자, Robert Allerton Art Library, Honolulu Museum of Art.


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