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The Review of Korean Studies

Descriptions of the Baekdusan and the Surrounding Area in Russian and German Travel Accounts

The Review of Korean Studies / The Review of Korean Studies, (P)1229-0076; (E)2773-9351
2010, v.13 no.4, pp.151-186
Sonja Haeussler (Free University Berlin)
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The paper studies the question how Baekdusan and the surrounding area in the far North of the Korean peninsula are depicted in travel accounts written by Russian and German travelers at the end of the 19thand beginning of the 20th century. The main focus of the research is on the travel account of the Russian writer and engineer Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovski (1852–1906) who travelled to the Baekdusan in 1898. Garin-Mikhailovski described the Baekdusan as well as the surrounding area in a multitude of aspects – the geo-physical conditions, geo-political and security questions, the fauna and flora, the habitat of the Korean people, their living conditions, material and spiritual culture. Garin-Mikhailovski was well aware of the fact that the Koreans venerated the Baekdusan as a holy mountain. In his eyes, the holiness of the mountain was related to the belief in the dragon of Lake Cheonji and to the general belief of Koreans in spirits of nature. In contrary, in the discussed travel accounts of Germans there is very scarce informationabout the Baekdusan, even about the Korean border region at all. Unlike the Russians and British, the German travelers just were concerned with the geo-physical conditions and the geo-political position of the Baekdusan, the Amnok and Duman rivers.

travel accounts, Baekdusan, sacred mountains, Garin-Mikhailovski, folktales



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The Review of Korean Studies