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The Review of Korean Studies

  • P-ISSN1229-0076
  • E-ISSN2773-9351

Changes in the Manufacturing Industry of Korea (1940-1949)

The Review of Korean Studies / The Review of Korean Studies, (P)1229-0076; (E)2773-9351
2011, v.14 no.4, pp.51-84


Joseon’s factory industry underwent significant transformations during the period of 1940-1945. The extent of change varied according to region (north and south) and race, and there was an unequal development which tended towards the munitions industry. The number of factories and workers did not decrease until 1943, however. The number of factories started to decrease drastically during the period of 1944-1946, while the number of workers continued to increase until 1944. These statistical figures show that the actual decrease happened after 1945. Joseon’s factory industry began to dwindle as its role as a colonial factory base was lost due to several factors such as the deterioration of Japan’s war economy from 1944, Japan’s defeat in 1945, and Joseon’s subsequent independence and division into North and South Korea. This study focuses on the quantitative side of this phenomenon, leaving out any qualitative analysis; however, areas for future study are suggested by this research, including the statistically unaccounted for factory closings, which were due to the enforcement of the war-time economic system, and the significantly decreased productivity levels in many of the operating factories.

戰時 공업화, 戦時期 공장 수, 戦時期 노동자 수, 공업자산, 식민지 조선의 군수공업, Industrialization during wartime, number of factories during wartime, number of workers during wartime, industrial assets, munitions industry in colonial Korea



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The Review of Korean Studies