Purpose: The research aims to analyze the export performance of processed seaweed, its competitiveness, and determinants on seven main destination countries. Research design, data and methodology: The study uses data of seven main destination countries of Indonesian processed seaweed from 2010 to 2019. For competitiveness analysis, the study uses Revealed Comparative Advantage, Export Product Dynamics, and X-Model of Potential Export Product. Results: The study reveals that the export performance has decreased on all five countries except for Japan and USA. The X-Model analysis shows that the market classification has increased or been stable in every country except for Germany and France. GDP per capita of each destination country and competitiveness index have positive and significance effect while other factors have negative and significance effect. Conclusions: In 2019, Indonesia’s processed seaweed market in Japan, United States, and France are on potential market, while Singapore and Italy are on optimistic market. In the future, Indonesia’s processed seaweed export can be focused more on countries that have a good market potential. To improve the export volume, GDP per capita of destination country, and competitiveness index of Indonesian processed seaweed should be higher, while export price, economic distance, and real exchange rate should be lower.
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