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Vol.61 No.3

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; pp.218-226

Background: The lung volume and diffusing capacity are influenced by ethnicity. However, there are no equations for predicting the normal lung volume in the adult Korean population, and there is only one equation for diffusing capacity. The aim of this study is to select the most suitable reference equation for the Korean population. Method: 30 men and 33 women at Hanyang University Guri Hospital, and 27 men and 34 women at Asan Medical Center in healthy nonsmoking adults were enrolled in this study. The subject’s age, gender, height, weight, lung volume by plethysmography, and diffusing capacity by a single breathing method were obtained. The most suitable equation with the lowest sum of residuals between the observed and predicted values for lung volume and diffusing capacity was selected. Result: At Hanyang University Guri Hospital, the equations with the lowest sum of residuals in the total lung capacity were ECSC’s equation in males (sum of residual: 0.04 L) and Crapo/Morris’s equation (-1.04) in women. At the Asan Medical Center, the equations with the lowest sum of residuals in the total lung capacity were Goldman/Becklake’s equation in males (sum of residual: -2.35) and the ECSC’s equation -4.49) in women. The equations with the lowest sum of residuals in the Diffusing capacity were Roca’s equation in males (sum of residual: -13.66 ml/min/mmHg) and Park’s in women (25.08) in Hanyang University Guri hospital and Park’s equation in all cases in the Asan Medical Center (male: -1.65 , female: -6.46). Conclusions: Until a reference equstion can be made for healthy Koreans by sampling, ECSC’s equation can be used for estimating the lung volume and Park’s can be used for estimating the diffusing capacity. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 218-226)

; ; ; ; ; pp.227-232

Background: In the measurement of bronchodilator reversibility, the forced expiratory volume in one second(FEV1) and the forced vital capacity(FVC) are commonly used parameters and recommended criteria for the reversibility requiring an increase of more than 200ml and 12% above the baseline, respectively. However, aged patients do not often meet the criteria of an increase in volume(>200ml) even though the medical history of that patient is adequate for asthma. This study investigated the role of the forced expiratory volume in six seconds(FEV6) in the bronchodilator reversibility test in elderly patients. Methods: A total of 236 patients more than 65 years of age with a FEV1/FVC ratio<80% were enrolled in this study. The bronchodilator revesibility tests were examined. With the setting FEV1 as the baseline, the patients were divided into three groups; Group I : FEV1≧80% of the predicted value, Group II : 60%<FEV1<80% of the predicted value, Group III : FEV1≦60% of the predicted value. Results: Positive reversibility in the FEV1, FEV6, and FVC was in 33(14.0%), 49(20.8%) and 55(23.3%). However, Group III presented with reversibility in the FEV1, FEV6, and FVC in 15(22.4%), 30(44.8%) and 32(47.8%) respectively. Conclusions: The FEV6 might be used as a complementary parameter in bronchodilatror reversibility in elderly patients. However, more study will be needed to determine the usefulness of FEV6 in bronchodilator reversibility test. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 227-232)

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; pp.233-238

Study objectives: To determine the factors associated with mortality after an in-hospital diagnosis of tuberculosis in a region with low levels of HIV coinfection. Methods: From January 2003 to December 2004, all subjects who were > 15 years of age and had received a diagnosis of tuberculosis were registered. The clinical, radiological and laboratory aspects of the patients who died (n=27) were compared with those of an age and gender matched control population(n=54). Logistic regression analyses were carried out, which included age, gender, hospital admission source, initial site of admission, dyspnea, general weakness and initial laboratory data. Results: The mean age of the patients was 60 ± 16 years and male patients outnumbered female patients. Univariate analysis identified hemoglobin, blood urea nitrogen, albumin, cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), C-reactive protein and the risk factors for tuberculosis to be significantly associated with mortality. Among the characteristics of disease presentation and treatment, emergency department admission, intensive care unit, disease severity, general weakness and dyspnea at the time of admission were associated with mortality. Multiple regression analysis revealed the initial management in the intensive care unit and lower serum albumin to be independently associated with mortality. Conclusion: The markers of disease chronicity and severity appear to be associated with in-hospital mortality. Identifying potentially reversible factors such as malnutrition and respiratory failure suggests specific intervention that might lead to an improvement in the patients' outcomes. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 233-238)

; ; ; ; ; pp.239-247

Background: Culture filtrate proteins secreted by mycobacteria are thought to play an important role in inducing protective immunity and to develop new methods for diagnosing tuberculosis. Methods: A culture filtrate protein of M. avium that was strongly reactive with goat antiserum against M. intracellulare was constructed. Its homologous protein (TB-14) in M. tuberculosis was cloned, expressed and purified. The inductions of IFN-γ stimulated with 10 ㎍ of TB-14 recombinant protein and 10 ㎍ PPD were estimated by using whole bloods from seven PPD (-) subjects, seven PPD (+) healthy volunteers and nine tuberculosis patients. Results: M. avium culture filtrate protein was confirmed as a hypothetical protein that was termed contig 116. A novel 14-kDa recombinant protein (TB-14) of M. tuberculosis was composed of 148 amino acids, including 30 amino acids of the signal peptide, and it showed 78% homology with M. avium. In the PPD (+) healthy volunteers, recombinant TB-14 protein strongly induced the secretion of IFN-γ in whole blood cultures. Conclusion: These results suggest that TB-14 recombinant protein might play an important role in inducing cell-mediated immunity against tuberculosis. Furthermore, TB-14 protein antigen and its antiserum will be available for the development of new diagnostic tools for tuberculosis. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 239-247)

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Gerold Bepler(H.Lee Moffitt CancerCenter, USA) pp.248-255

Background: LOH11A is a region with frequent allele loss (>75%) in lung cancer that is located on the centromeric part of chromosome 11p15.5. Clinical and cell biological studies suggest that this region contains a gene associated with metastatic tumor spread. RRM1 encoding the M1 subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, which is an enzyme that catalyses the rate-limiting step in deoxyribonucleotide synthesis, is located in the LOH11A region. Methods: Polymorphisms were found at nucleotide position (-)37 (C/A) and (-)524 (C/T) from the beginning of exon 1 of the RRM1 gene that might regulate the expression of RRM1. We studied the polymorphisms in 127 Korean individuals (66 lung cancer and 61 normal controls) and compared with those of 140 American patients with lung cancer. Results: CC, AC and AA were found at the (-)37 position in 64(50.4%), 55(43.3%), and 8(6.3%) out of 127 Korean individuals (66 cancer, 61 non-cancer patients), respectively. There was a similar frequency of allele A at (-)37 in the American(27.9%) and Korean population(28.0%). CC, CT and TT was found at the (-)524 position in 24(18.9%), 44(34.6%), and 59(46.5%) out of the 127 Korean individuals, respectively. There was a similar frequency of allele C at (-)524 in the American(34.6%) and Korean population(36.2%). There was no difference in the frequency of the (-)37 and (-)524 genotypes between the cancer and non-cancer group. However there was a significant correlation of the genotypes between (-)37 and (-)524 (p<0.001), which suggests the possible coordination of these polymorphisms in the regulation of the promoter activity of the RRM1 gene. Conclusion: RRM1 promoter polymorphisms were not found to be significant risk factors for lung cancer. However, a further study of the promoter activity and expression of the RRM1 gene according to the pattern of the polymorphism will be needed. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 248-255)

; ; ; ; ; pp.256-264

Background: An acute lung injury(ALI) is characterized by the recruitment, activation, and apoptosis of inflammatory cells, numerous products released by inflammatory cells such as reactive oxygen species, inflammatory mediators, and a variety of proteolytic enzymes. It was reported that bacterial infections in diabetics showed impaired PMN functions such as reduced PMN respiratory burst and decreased microbicidal activity in inflamed tissue. However, the effect of the proteinase - inhibitor (MMP-9 vs TIMP-1) in ALI in diabetics is unclear. This study evaluated the differences in the expression of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 after the stimulation of endotoxin in a rat model. Methods: Six-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were classified into normal, DM, LPS and DM+LPS groups. The peripheral blood, BAL fluids, and lung tissues were obtained from individual rats. The MMP-9 activity was measured by gelatin zymography and the TIMP-1 level was measured by Western blotting. Results: The total BAL cells of the DM-LPS groups were significantly lower than the LPS groups (p < 0.01). The MMP-9 activities in the serum were higher in the DM+LPS groups than in the other groups. The MMP-9 activities in the BAL fluids were significantly higher in the DM+LPS group than in the normal and diabetic rats (p < 0.05). TIMP-1 expressions in the BAL fluids were significantly lower in the DM+LPS group than other groups (p < 0.05). The ratio between MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in the BAL fluids was significantly higher in the DM+LPS groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: In ALI in diabetics the higher MMP-9 activity and lower TIMP-1 level are believed to prolonged and intensify the course of inflammation. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 256-264)

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; pp.265-272
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; pp.273-278

Background: The lung volume and diffusing capacity are influenced by ethnicity. However, there are no equations for predicting the normal lung volume in the adult Korean population, and there is only one equation for diffusing capacity. The aim of this study is to select the most suitable reference equation for the Korean population. Method: 30 men and 33 women at Hanyang University Guri Hospital, and 27 men and 34 women at Asan Medical Center in healthy nonsmoking adults were enrolled in this study. The subject’s age, gender, height, weight, lung volume by plethysmography, and diffusing capacity by a single breathing method were obtained. The most suitable equation with the lowest sum of residuals between the observed and predicted values for lung volume and diffusing capacity was selected. Result: At Hanyang University Guri Hospital, the equations with the lowest sum of residuals in the total lung capacity were ECSC’s equation in males (sum of residual: 0.04 L) and Crapo/Morris’s equation (-1.04) in women. At the Asan Medical Center, the equations with the lowest sum of residuals in the total lung capacity were Goldman/Becklake’s equation in males (sum of residual: -2.35) and the ECSC’s equation -4.49) in women. The equations with the lowest sum of residuals in the Diffusing capacity were Roca’s equation in males (sum of residual: -13.66 ml/min/mmHg) and Park’s in women (25.08) in Hanyang University Guri hospital and Park’s equation in all cases in the Asan Medical Center (male: -1.65 , female: -6.46). Conclusions: Until a reference equstion can be made for healthy Koreans by sampling, ECSC’s equation can be used for estimating the lung volume and Park’s can be used for estimating the diffusing capacity. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 218-226)

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; pp.279-284

A multiple primary malignant tumor is a disease mainly encountered in the of the older age groups. Attempts should be made to rule out a second primary malignant neoplasm in the elderly patients with unusual signs and symptoms. We encountered a case of a 67-year-old male with triple primary malignant tumors of the stomach, larynx, and lung. The patient had been treated with a subtotal&nbsp; gastrectomy for early gastric cancer in 1991 and a Laser laryngectomy for the laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma in 2003. In 2005, lung cancer was found with the biopsy revealing an adenosquamous carcinoma. Systemic chemotherapy was performed. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 279-284)

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; pp.285-288

Interferon alpha is an immunomodulator that is used as an antiviral agent to treat chronic active viral hepatitis C. However, interferon can induce or exacerbate sarcoidosis. We report a case of 42-year-old man with an exacerbation of pulmonary sarcoidosis after the cessation of interferon and ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C. The patient's sarcoidosis improved spontaneously and he continues to be monitored regularly without steroid therapy. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 285-288)

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; pp.289-293

Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome is an autoimmune syndrome that is characterized by the oligoclonal expansion of CD8+ T-lymphocytes in response to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigens. The clinical manifestations include bilateral enlargement of the parotid glands, lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis, lymphocytic hepatitis, neurological involvement and systemic lymphadenopathies. In addition to a positive HIV test, the diagnostic histopathological findings are CD8+ T-lymphocytic infiltrations in the lymphnodes, liver, lung, muscle and the salivary or lacrimal glands without granulomatous or neoplastic involvement. We report a case of pulmonary involvement of diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome that was associated with a human immunodeficiency virus infection. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 289-293)

; ; ; ; ; ; ; pp.294-298

Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia(LIP) is an uncommon condition in which the alveolar septa and extra-alveolar interstitial space are markedly expanded by small lymphocytes, plasma cells and histiocytes. Chest radiographs generally show nonspecific patterns with the most common pattern showing bibasilar reticular or reticulonodular infiltrates. Hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy and pleural effusions are usually absent. We encountered a 42-year-old female patient who was admitted to hospital because of exertional dyspnea and palpitation. The chest X-ray showed an enlarged bilateral hilar shadow and diffusely increased bronchovascular markings in both lung fields. The chest CT showed diffuse nodular infiltrations with mild septal thickening and combined patchy ground glass opacity in both lungs, and conglomerated mediastinal and bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy. A diagnosis of LIP was made from the tissue pathology taken by a thoracoscopic lung biopsy. The patient showed clinical and radiographic improvement after 3 months of treatment with prednisolone. We report a case of LIP presenting as diffuse nodular interstitial infiltrations with multiple mediastinal and bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 294-298)

Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases