E-ISSN : 2383-9449
Barnett, G. A.. A longitudinal analysis of the international telecommunications network: 1978-1996.
Barnett, G.A., Z. Guo (Ed.). A longitudinal analysis of the international telecommunication network: 1978-1999;Globalization & Cultural Communication.
Barnett, G. A., Chon, B. S., Park, H. W., & Rosen, D. A network analysis of international Internet flows.
Barnett, G.A. & Kincaid, D.L., W.B. Gudykunst (Ed.). Cultural convergence: A mathematical theory. International and Intercultural Communication Annual;Intercultural Communication Theory: Current Perspectives, 7.
Barnett, G. A., & Park, H. W. The structure of international Internet hyperlinks and bilateral bandwidth.
Barnett, G.A., & Rosen, D., Y.R. Kamalipour (Ed.). The global implications of the Internet: Challenges and Prospects;Global Communication.
Boyd, D. M., & Ellison, N. B. Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship.
Galdwell, M.. Small change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted.
Haddon, L., & Kim, S.D. Mobile phones and web-based social networking - emerging practices in Korea with Cyworld.
Jang, T., Youn, H., & McClung, S. Motivations and self-presentation strategies on Korean-based "Cyworld" weblog format personal homepages.
Kayany, J. M., & Yelsma, P.. Displacement effects of online media in the sociotechnical contexts of households.
Kim, J.H., Barnett, G.A., Park, H. W. A hyperlink and issue network analysis of the United States Senate: A rediscovery of Web as a relational and topical medium.
Kincaid, D.L., Yum, J. O., Woelfel, J., & Barnett, G.A.. The cultural convergence of Korean immigrants in Hawaii: An empirical test of a mathematical theory.
Laser, D., et al.. Computational social science.
Lin, C.A.. Audience attributes, media supplementation, and likely online service adoption.
Nam, Y., & Barnett, G.A. Communication Media Diffusion and Substitutions: Longitudinal trends from 1980 to 2005 in Korea.
Park, H.W., Barnett, G.A. & Chung, C.J.. Structural Changes in the Global Hyperlink Network 2003-2009.
Park, H. W., & Jankowski, N.. A hyperlink network analysis of citizen blogs in South Korean politics.
Park, H. W., & Thelwall, M.. Developing network indicators for ideological landscapes from the political blogosphere in South Korea.
Rogers, E.M.. Diffusion of innovations.
Rogers, E.M., & Kincaid, D.L.. Communication Networks: Toward a new paradigm for communication research.
Stefanone, M. A., Lackaff, D., & Rosen, D. Contingencies of self-worth and social networking site behavior.
Thelwall, M.. Introduction to Webometrics.
Vishwanath, A., & Barnett, G.A. An Empirical Investigation into the Structure of Bidding in Online Auctions.
Wang, S., Moon, S., Kwon, K., Evans, C., & Stefanone, M. A.. Face off: Implications of visual cues on initiating friendship on Facebook.
Wartella, E., & Reeves, B. Historical trends in research on children and the media: 1900-1960.