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Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

  • P-ISSN2234-7550
  • E-ISSN2234-5930

About submission

Revised 2010. 06. 30.
Revised 2012. 03. 03.
Revised 2013. 02. 23.
Revised 2014. 01. 08.
Revised 2014. 12. 18.
Revised 2015. 02. 28.
Revised 2015. 04. 30.

Revised 2017. 05. 15.
Revised 2017. 08. 31.
Revised 2018. 10. 08.
Revised 2019. 03. 01.
Revised 2019. 11. 27.
Revised 2020. 08. 07.
Revised 2023. 02. 28.

  • Aims and scope and types of manuscripts

    Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (JKAOMS) is the official journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (KAOMS). This bimonthly journal offers high-quality articles related to regenerative medicine, dentoalveolar surgery, dental implant surgery, head and neck cancer, aesthetic facial surgery/orthognathic surgery, facial injuries, Temporomandibular joint disorders, orofacial disease, and oral pathology. JKAOMS is of interest to oral and maxillofacial surgeons and dental practitioners as well as others who are interested in these fields. JKAOMS publishes original articles, case series study, case reports, collective or current reviews, technical notes, brief communications or corres pondences, letters to the editor, etc. The publication of other types of manuscripts is reviewed and decided by the editorial committee.

    Editorial policy and Research ethics

    Manuscripts that were already published or are in the process of review in other journals or those having similar contents to other articles published in another journal cannot be submitted to JKAOMS. JKAOMS follows the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication (http://www.icmje.org/) and the Good Publication Practice Guidelines for Medical Journals 2nd (https://www.kamje.or.kr/board/view?b_name=bo_publication&bo_id=7&per_page=), if otherwise not described below.
    All studies reporting experiments on human subjects must have followed the procedures in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Declaration of Helsinki (2013; https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-ofhelsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-humansubjects/). In addition, authors publishing clinical research papers are encouraged to register the study with the Korea Clinical Research Information Service (CRiS, http://cris.nih.go.kr) or other institutes approved by the WHO International Clinical Trial Registry Platform (ICTRP). For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instruction, international standards for editors and authors (http://publicationethics.org/resources/international-standards-for-editors-and-authors) can be applied.

    Conflict of interest

    All funding sources, institutional and corporate, should be credited in the Acknowledgments. Each author must disclose any commercial affiliations or consultancies, stock or equity interests, or patent-licensing arrangements that could be considered to pose a conflict of interest regarding the submitted manuscript in the Disclosure Statements. If there are no potential financial conflicts of interest, please include the following statement. The authors claim to have no financial interests, either directly or indirectly, in the products or information listed in this article.
    Editors who make final decisions about manuscripts must have no personal, professional, or financial involvement in any of the issues they might judge. Other members of the editorial staff, if they participate in editorial decisions, must provide editors with a current description of their financial interests (as they might relate to editorial judgments) and recuse themselves from any decisions in which a conflict of interest exists. Editorial staff must not use information gained through working with manuscripts for private gain. Editors should publish regular disclosure statements about potential conflicts of interests related to the commitments of journal staff. JKAOMS complies with the Guidelines of the ICMJE on editorial conflict of interest (http://www.icmje.org/conflicts-of-interest).


    Copyright to a manuscript whose publication in JKAOMS is decided is owned by KAOMS, and all authors should sign in the copyright transfer agreement form, and present it to the editorial office. By submitting the application form for submission, authors grant KAOMS the right to publish, sell, and print a manuscript published in JKAOMS. The form is available at the journal’s website (http://www.jkaoms.org/submission/Source/Author/Main.html).


    If all or parts of previously published illustrations are used, permission must be obtained from JKAOMS. You can download the permission file. Please fill out the form and submit to the editorial office of JKAOMS (office@jkaoms.org).

    Proper nouns, numbers, units

    Proper nouns including the names of persons and location are written in original words; numerals should be expressed in Arabic format. The units of length, height, weight, and volume should be expressed with the metric system (m, g, L, etc.) by using multiples of ten. Temperature and blood pressure are presented with oC and mmHg, respectively. Except hematological values, the results of clinical examinations, etc., follow commonly used or Systéme International (SI) units. A period of time shall be indicated using “ -”.

    • Ex.) 10-12 days, 2-3 hours
    • Temperature or percent shall be indicated without space; if there is an English word after a numeral, there shall be space between them, but a calculation symbol shall be connected to numerals.
    • Ex.) 8oC, 8%, 8 mL, 1+2=3, 12.1±21.2, n=8

    Submission of manuscript

    • 1) A manuscript should be written using word processing software (MS Word).
    • 2) A manuscript is written in A4 paper, and correct spelling and spacing of words should be applied.
    • 3) The cover page of a manuscript serves as the first page, and each page is numbered in that order.
    • 4) Besides the original file, a file without the personal and institutional information of the authors should be submitted for review.
    • 5) All datasets on which the conclusions of the manuscript rely on must be submitted in spreadsheet (MS Excel) format along with other supplementary material. If there is a reason for not to share data, explanations must be provided.

    Constitutions of manuscripts

    All manuscripts consist of Title page → Abstract → Main text → References → Tables and Figures independently in that order.

    1) Title page

    In the title page, the title of a manuscript, its authors, and their institutions and positions as well as notes and number of independent volumes are included.

    <Title of manuscript>
    The number of words of a title including its subtitle should be less than 50 words for English. In addition, a “running title” as needed for editing should be added, and the title can be supplemented or modified by the editorial committee.

    The names of authors are arranged according to contribution to the manuscript. The lead author (first author) is presented first, and then the other authors and their institutions are written in detail. The names of authors are separated by commas, and English names are shown as full name.
    Ex.) Gil-Dong Hong, Chul-Soo Kim


    One organization shall be indicated without number; if there are two or more organizations, those of the first and other authors shall be numbered in order in superscripts and written in English at the bottom of the cover. The English-written organizations shall have only their first letters and proper nouns indicated in capital letters. If an author belongs to two or more organizations, they shall be indicated in superscript numbers with commas placed in between them.
    • Ex.) Gil-Dong Hong1,2, Chul-Soo Kim2
    • 1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College
      of Dentistry, ○○○ University
    • 2Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Graduate School of Dentistry, ○○○ University
    <Corresponding author>
    The corresponding author’s name, organization, and address shall be indicated in English. The telephone number and e-mail address shall be placed below them as follows:
    • TEL: +82-2-200-3000
    • E-mail: honggildong@omfs.com

    2) Abstract

    The abstract in Original Articles shall be arranged in the order of Title, Objectives, Materials and Methods (or Patients and Methods), Results, and Conclusion without specifying the authors and organization; it shall be written simply such that its contents can be grasped at a glance. The abstract of a Case Report shall be written without being divided into structures.

    In principle, the number of words in the abstract of original articles and clinical analysis should be less than 300 words, and that of case reports and collective or current review should be less than 200 English words.

    <Key words>
    On the lower part of the abstract page, five or less keywords are presented. If possible, whether the keywords are included in the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) of the National Library of Medicine is checked.

    3) Main text

    In principle, Original Articles, Clinical Analysis, Case Series Study are reported in the order of Introduction → Materials and Methods (or Patients and Methods) → Results → Discussion → Conclusion → Funding → Acknowledgements. Case Reports & Technical Notes are written in the order of Introduction → Case Report (Technical Note) → Discussion → Funding → Acknowledgements. Correspondences, Letters to the Editor, Review Article, Invited Review Article, Editorials are written in a free format.

    • ① Introduction
      The academic background and purpose of a manuscript are summarized, and references are limited to directly related ones. It should neither discuss a related topic extensively nor cite one after the other like collective or current review. Moreover, it should not contain the results or conclusion to be reported.
    • ② Materials and Methods (or Patients and Methods)
      This section describes the research methods. Patients, experimental animals, or control group should be presented clearly and written in detail for other researchers to perform the same study by following the methods. In particular, methods of identifying a target disease and controlling the subjectivity of observers should be explained. Machinery or reagents shall have their names, manufacturers, cities, and countries specified in brackets. Ⓡ or TM shall not be used. If they are repeated, drug or product names alone shall be specified.
      Ex.) Only Xenogenic bone (Bio-Oss; Geistleich Pharmaceutical, Wolhusen, Switzerland) was used and Bio-Oss with particle size of 1,000 μm or less was used.
      Well-known methods including those for statistical analysis should present references. Relatively new methods or those modified from existing ones should come with references; introduce them simply and explain why authors used them as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
      The P-value used in statistics shall be indicated in capital letter and italics.
      Ex.) P<0.05
      Ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors), and, unless inappropriate, report the sex and/or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex and gender. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, for example in only one sex, authors should justify why, except in obvious cases (e.g., prostate cancer). Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify their relevance.
      For studies conducted on persons or experimental animals, they should be approved or exempted by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC). The description of approval or exemption should be written in manuscripts.
    • ③ Results
      Results are reported by following a logical order and using tables, figures, or pictures. Data given in tables and figures should not be repeated in the main text; instead, only critical points and progress are described.
    • ④ Discussion
      Among the results, important and new ones are emphasized, and conclusions based on them are written. Contents shown in the introduction and the results section should not be repeated. The application ranges of results, limitations of interpretation, and applicability in future studies are written. In addition, this section compares and discusses other related studies and links the purpose and the conclusion of a study. At this time, conclusions that are not based on data or unsubstantiated opinions should be avoided. A possible new hypothesis from the obtained data can be suggested; appropriate methods to confirm such should also be presented.
    • ⑤ Conclusion
      A question asked in the introduction, the results of a research, and the main idea of discussion are summarized clearly. At this time, the results should not be repeated simply; the authors’ opinion as obtained from the research should be included.
    • ⑥ Funding
      Financial support used in the study should be acknowledged. If there was no funding, the following wording should be used: “No funding to declare.”
    • ⑦ Acknowledgements
      If the study was done by a large group of people, the names of all of the participants may be given in this section. Also, any persons that contributed to the study or the manuscript, but not meeting the requirements of an authorship could be placed here. Acknowledge anyone who provided intellectual assistance, purely technical help (including with writing and editing assistance), special equipment or materials, advice, gifts, etc. However, if they have already mentioned in the Materials and Methods section, do not repeat them here.

    4) References

    Articles in a published journal, books, online published articles, and manuscripts in press are acceptable as references. However, theses, unpublished accepted article, or abstracts from conferences are not acceptable.


    The number of cited references shall be fixed by the following regulations.

    Article categoryNumber of references
    Review ArticleNo limit
    Original Article50 or less
    Case series study30 or less
    Case Reports & Technical Notes20 or less
    Questions/answers, Correspondences, Letters to the Editor5 or less

    References are numbered in the order of their appearance in the main text; the number should be the same as the superscript numbers in the main text.

    • ∙ At the end of a sentence, a quotation number shall be placed before a period.
      Ex.) Maxillary sinus lifting was presented for the first time by Taturn1.
    • ∙ Several references shall be listed with commas. Ex.) Maxillary sinus lifting is reported as a safe technique1,3,4.
    • ∙ Three or more references listed in succession shall be connected with each other using “ -”. Ex.) Various bone graft materials are used for the maxillary sinus lifting1-5.

    References are arranged in the order of their appearance in the main text.

    <Names of authors>
    Surnames of authors are followed by the abbreviations of their given names.
    Ex.) Nelson RL or Park JU, Lee W

    <Numbers of authors>
    If the number of authors is six or less, all their names are presented; if it is seven or more, “et al.” is used.


    • ① Journals: Names of authors. title of an article. name of the journal (abbreviation registered in Index Medicus) year;volume:starting page-ending page (indicate only the changed numbers). DOI (Digital Object Identifier) as full URL link.
      Ex.) 1. Kim YK, Ku JK. Ridge augmentation in implant dentistry. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2020;46:211-7. https://doi.org/10.5125/jkaoms. 2020.46.3.211
      2. Hartlev J, Spin-Neto R, Schou S, Isidor F, Nørholt SE. Cone beam computed tomography evaluation of staged lateral ridge augmentation using plateletrich fibrin or resorbable collagen membranes in a randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Implants Res 2019;30:277-84. https://doi.org/10.1111/clr.13413
      3. Chandra RV, Sneha K, Reddy AA. Non-cross-linked versus cross-linked collagen membrane in maxillary sinus perforation repair: a comparative histologic study in a rat model. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2019. https://doi.org/10.11607/jomi.7600 [Epub ahead of print]
    • ② Books: Names of authors. title. edition. location of publication: publisher; year of publication.
      Ex.) Park JU. Orthognathic surgery. 1st ed. Seoul: Koonja Publishing; 2003.
    • ③ Chapters of a book
      When a chapter is quoted from a book: chapter author name. chapter title. In: Editor name, ed(s). Book name. edition.
      City: publishing company;year:Beginning page-end page.
      Ex.) Hebel KS, Gajjar R. Anatomic basis for implant selection and positioning. In: Babbush CA, ed. Dental implants. 1st ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2001:134-45.
    • ④ Website/Homepage
      Treatments and side effects [Internet]. Atlanta (GA): American Cancer Society [cited 2013 Sep 2]. Available from: http://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/index

    5) Preparation of supplementary data

    JKAOMS now accepts electronic supplementary material (e-components) to support and enhance your scientific research. Supporting data that are not essential for comprehension of the manuscript may be included as supplemental material. Supplied supplementary files will be published online alongside the electronic version of your article in JKAOMS (http://www.jkaoms.org). In order to ensure that your submitted material is directly usable, please make sure that data is provided in one of our recommended text or image file formats. Authors should submit the material in an electronic format together with the article and supply a concise and descriptive caption for each file. The number of supplemental display items (figures and/or tables) is limited for an article, and they may be changed by the Editorial Board.

    6) Tables

    Its number as presented in Arabic numerals follows the word; no period shall be placed after an explanation.

    • Ex.) Table 1. Age and sex distribution

    Parts marked with Arabic numerals are explained on the lower left part of a table or a graph. The note shall be placed in order of the original terms in brackets, their abbreviations, and explanations.
    • Ex.) 1intermaxillary fixation, 2open reduction.
      (IMF: intermaxillary fixation, OR: open reduction, CR: closed reduction)
    • - There is normally a limit of 10 figures and tables (total) per manuscript. They may be changed by the Editorial Board.

    7) Figures

    Drawings or pictures should not be affected by reduction during the printing process; they should be large or clear enough on separate pages, and they should be clean original ones. Their file resolution should be 300 dpi or more.


    • ① Its number as presented in Arabic numerals follows the word "Fig." after a period and a space, ending with a period in order of its appearance in the main text.
      Ex.) A diagram shall be drawn (Fig. 1), and a photo shall be taken.(Fig. 2)
    • ② Its title and explanation are written in English, and the first character of the first word of a title is written in upper case.
      Ex.) Fig. 1. Preoperative panorama X-ray.
    • ③ When several photos are placed in a figure, they shall be classified in capital letters A, B, etc., and explained separately as described below. Shoulders or abbreviations shall be indicated in the same way as Tables. In a Figure, an arrow may be used. At this time, arrows shall be indicated as seen in Fig. 1. C (below). When there is a microscopic tissue photo, the dying method and magnification shall be specified in a bracket as seen in Fig. 1. D (below).
      Ex.) Fig. 1. Surgical procedure of sinus lifting.
      • A. Diagram of sinus graft procedure.
      • B. Various bone graft materials.
      • C. Giant cell (arrow) is visible.
      • D. Histologic section.(H&E staining, ×40)
      Several Figures shall be quoted at the same time in the text as follows:
      Ex.) The technique shall be as follows.(Figs. 1. A-D):
      - There is normally a limit of 10 figures and tables (total) per manuscript. They may be changed by the Editorial Board

    <Informed consent for patient images>
    JKAOMS require written consent for photographs that may identify the patient.

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)

Every author (first author, co-author, and corresponding author) must provide their ORCID No. You can easily get ORCID ID (https://orcid.org). If you want more information about ORCID, please visit at https://orcid.org/about.

Submission of manuscripts

A manuscript can be submitted anytime; the submission date is the day a manuscript is submitted to the editorial committee.

Review of manuscripts

A submitted manuscript shall be subject to peer review by two or more reviewers. The reviewers can demand revision or supplementation. The final decision of publication shall be made by the editorial committee. If a manuscript is not suitable for publication after undergoing revision thrice, a decision not to publish it is made. Correspondences, Letters to the Editor, Editorial, Invited Review Article, and Brief Communications can be published without additional reviews.

Similarity Check

Similarity Check is a multi-publisher initiative to screen publis-hed and submitted content for originality. To find out more about Similarity Check, visit http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck.html. All manuscripts submitted to JKAOMS may be screened, using the iThenticate tool, for textual similarity to other previously published works.

Fees for review, publication

There is no publication fee, but there could be an extra charge for the paper offprints. And the cost of colored illustration will be assigned to the authors.

Publication of JKAOMS

In principle, JKAOMS is published six times a year (on the last day of February, April, June, August, October, and December).

Submission office

In principle, a manuscript is submitted online on the homepage of JKAOMS (www.jkaoms.org). Inquiries regarding manuscript submission may be sent to KAOMS.
Address: DaeHak-ro 101(Yeongeon-dong), Jongno-gu Seoul, 03080, Korea. E-mail: office@jkaoms.org

Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons