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메뉴The topic of academic integrity is an important public concern that has emerged in higher education. Recent surveys at U.S. and Canadian dental schools revealed that cheating and plagiarism were significant problems in dental schools. In addition, some schools stated that cheating had increased compared to a decade ago. Various institutional rituals have been implemented to enhance the academic integrity environment of U. S. and Canadian dental schools. Furthermore, the application of honor code which is dealing with ethical issues has been reported to improve the attitudes and behaviors of students. Since there have been no reported studies regarding ethics curricula in Korean dental schools, further studies should be needed to assess academic integrity policies, violations, and the results of the measures in Korean dental schools. Additionally, the challenge to provide professional ethics curricula for dental students must be conducted with respect and humanity for our students and thus, students will be more likely to respond positively to expectations in terms of ethical behaviors. Therefore, the outcome is clearly and undoubtedly link to better care for patients.
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