open access
메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
Purpose: The effects of various concentrations of ascorbic acid on stem cell spheroids derived from intraoral areas are not known yet. Thus, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of different concentrations of ascorbic acid on the morphology and cellular viability of stem cell spheroids derived from the gingival tissues. Materials and Methods: Stem cells were plated onto silicon elastomer-based concave microwells and grown in the presence of ascorbic acid at concentrations ranging from 0.003% to 0.3%. The morphology of the cells was viewed under an inverted microscope at day 1, 2, 3 and 5. Qualitative live/dead assay and quantitative cellular viability using Cell Counting Kit-8 were performed on day 2 and day 5. Results: Gingiva-derived stem cells formed spheroids irrespective of ascorbic acid concentration in silicon elastomer-based concave microwells. Increase in the diameter of spheroid were seen with higher concentrations of ascorbic acid. Higher cellular viability was seen in higher concentrations of ascorbic acid. Conclusion: Within the experimental setting, the application of ascorbic acid on stem-cell spheroids produced an increase in the size and higher viability with higher dosage. It can be suggested ascorbic acid be applied with stem cell spheroids for tissue engineering purposes.
In clinical dental research, errors occur in spite of careful study design and conduct. Data cleaning procedures intend to identify and correct these errors or at least to minimize their influence on study. Outlier is the one of these errors. Outlier detection is the first step in data analysis process which has a serious effect in the field of dental research. Hence, this paper aims to introduce the methods to detect the outliers and to examine their influences in statistical data analysis.
목적: 본 연구의 목적은 부정교합 환자에서 수면 이갈이 습관 유무에 따라 낮시간 이악물기 시 교근 및 측두근의 근전도에 차이가 있는지를 알아보는 것이다. 재료 및 방법: 교정치료를 위해 내원한 환자의 초진시 문진기록에서 이갈이 습관이 있다고 대답한 환자총 68명과 이갈이 습관이 없는 대조군 79명을 연령과성별에 따라 네 개의 군으로 분류하였다. 근전도 측정은 BioEMG-II (Bio-Reasearch Associates Inc., Milwaukee, WI, USA)을 이용하였으며, 교정치료 전 최대감합 상태에서 이악물기 시 교근 및 측두근의 근전도를 측정하였다. 좌우측 교근과 측두근근전도 값을 구하고, 측두근과 교근의 활성 비율값(T/M ratio)을 계산하였다. 이갈이군과 대조군 간의차이가 있는지를 비교하기 위하여 Mann-Whitney U-test를 시행하였다 (P<0.05). 결과: 성장기 남자아이에서 이악물기 시 근활성도는 이갈이군과 대조군 간의 유의한 차이가 보이지 않았다. 한편 성인 남자에서는 교근 및 측두근 근전도가모두 이갈이군에서 유의하게 더 높은 값을 보였으며(P<0.05), T/M ratio는 이갈이군에서 유의하게 더작은 값을 보였다 (P<0.05). 성장기 여자아이에서는이갈이군의 측두근 근활성도가 대조군 보다 유의하게큰 값을 나타내었으나 (P<0.05), T/M ratio에서는유의한 차이가 보이지 않았다. 성인 여자에서는 이갈이군에서 편측의 측두근 및 교근의 근활성도가 대조군보다 유의하게 높게 나타났으나 (P<0.05) T/M ratio에서는 뚜렷한 차이가 보이지 않았다. 결론: 성장기 아동에서는 수면 이갈이 습관이 있더라도 낮시간 교근 및 측두근의 활성도 균형에는 차이가 없는 것으로 보인다. 반면 이갈이 습관이 있는 성인남자에서 이악물기 시 교근 및 측두근의 활성도는 이갈이 습관이 없는 사람보다 더 높으며, 교근 및 측두근활성도의 균형도 다른 것으로 보인다.
Burning mouth syndrome(BMS) is a burning sensation in the oral mucosa and doesn°Øt have any identifiable oral lesion and organic etiology. Diagnosis of BMS is mainly based on clinical features and serial exclusion of other possible causes. There is no specific examination for BMS and that could embarrasse the dentist. In this study, the characteristics, differential diagnosis and several treatments of BMS are presented so that dentists can better diagnose BMS to maintain a good relationship with the patients.
Oral ulcerative and/or vesicular diseases have similar characteristics of clinical phenotypes. Detailed and careful history taking is the cornerstone of the diagnosis of oral mucosal disease. Moreover, complete screening of review of system for patient is important. Through this article, the simple ulcerative, recurrent ulcerative, acute multiple ulcer, chronic multiple ulcerative diseases will be discussed. Clinicians have to keep in mind its differential diagnosis and management.
Xerostomia is usually caused by a reduced salivary flow or by changes in the biochemical composition of saliva. Halitosis or oral malodor is an offensive odor usually originating from the oral cavity. Halitosis can lead to anxiety and psychosocial embarrassment. The occurrence of halitosis closely related with intraoral conditions including the presence of xerostomia. Especially, the relationship between xerostomia and halitosis is prominent in elderly patients receiving polypharmacy with at least two systemic diseases. This study is a review of the update literature of xerostomia and halitosis. A large number of papers have been searched and identified using the words <dry mouth>, <xerostomia>, <halitosis>, <elderly>, <causes>, <symptoms>, <treatment> and <dentistry>. Papers not relevant to the issue were removed reducing the entries to 79 only. Most of identified papers were systematic reviews, non-systematic reviews, and observational studies. With a proper diagnosis, identification of the etiology and timely referrals certain steps are taken to create a successful individualized therapeutic approach. It is significant to highlight the necessity of an interdisciplinary method for the treatment of xerostomia and halitosis to prevent misdiagnosis or unnecessary treatment. This article concisely focuses on the development of a systemic flow of events to come to the proper treatment of the xerostomia and halitosis.