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ISSN : 0376-4672
Objective : The objective of this study was to suggest the diagnostic reference levels for intraoral and panoramic radiography through the nationwide survey at regular intervals in South Korea. Study Design : One hundred twenty-six dental institutions from all regions of South Korea were visited. Information on radiographic equipment and clinical exposure parameter was recorded at 118 intraoral and 125 panoramic equipment. Patient entrance dose (PED) and dose-area product (DAP) in intraoral radiography and DAP in panoramic radiography were measured using a DAP meter. Results : Third quartile PED and DAP of intraoral radiography in adults were 1.5 mGy and 46.0 mGy cm2 , those in 12-year-old children 1.2 mGy and 37.1 mGy cm2 and those in 6-year-old children 1.0 mGy and 29.9 mGy cm2 . Third quartile DAP of panoramic radiography in adults, 12, and 6-year-old children were 227 mGy cm2 , 175 mGy cm2 , 163 mGy cm2 , respectively. The median exposure parameters of intraoral radiography in adults were 60kV, 6mA, and 0.23 seconds and those in 12-year-old children 60kV, 6mA, and 0.16 seconds and those in 6-year-old children 60kV, 6mA, and 0.15 seconds. The median exposure parameters of panoramic radiography in adults were 74kV, 10mA, and 13.6 seconds and those in 12-yearold children 67kV, 10mA, and 13.2 seconds and those in 6-year-old children 67kV, 8mA, and 12.0 seconds. Conclusion : As the national DRLs for intraoral radiography and panoramic radiography in Korea, we recommended 1.5 mGy and 227 mGy cm2 for adults, 1.2 mGy and 175 mGy cm2 for 12-year-old children, and 1.0 mGy and 163 mGy cm2 for 6-year-old children, respectively
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