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메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
The purpose of this study is to investigate the opinion of dental specialists on the reasons for the decrease in the role of dentistry in general hospitals and to propose improvement plans of the dental care delivery system. A survey was conducted using Google Survey, and 113 respondents out of 713 dental trained capable specialists were the final objects of this study. The variables were age, position, major, and opinion on the role and measures for the improvement of dentistry in general hospitals. As results, the role of dentistry in general hospitals included providing not only complex dental services, training and education, but R&D functions. For improving the role of dentistry, government and legal supports are required, which include amendments of training hospital standards and recruitment of dentists in medical emergency institutions. Finally, this study suggests mitigations of designation criteria for dental training centers in general hospitals with more than 300 beds. The current internship system need to be abolished, and legislation for emergency dental treatments through the Emergency Medical Act is required.
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