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ISSN : 0376-4672
This study was conducted to measure patient safety of dental outpatients and to identify high-risk areas in dental care. A survey was conducted with 400 people aged 19-64 who had used a dental institution within the past 3 years. The Primary Care Patient Measure of Safety (PC-PMOS) questionnaire was used as a dental safety patient measurement tool. 19 domains and 46 questions of PC-PMOS were analyzed, and negative responses were classified into risk areas in dental care. 10 of the 46 items of PC-PMOS had a negative response rate of 20% or more. The questions with the highest percentage of dissatisfied were 'when they referred me to another hospital, there was a waiting list (50.9%)', 'if necessary, you could receive hospital services outside of the regu lar operating hours of the hospital (38.1%)'. The dental patient safety score was higher for male and for house holds with an average monthly income of 8 million won or more (p<0.05). Findings of this study suggest that it is necessary to prepare a dental patient safety management system in that patient safety management improves the quality of dental care. In addition, standardized dental patient safety management indicators are essential for monitoring and improvement of patient safety and quality in dentistry.
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