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Globally, as dental implant treatment for edentulous areas increases, implant complications are also increas ing. The adverse prognosis of implants arises from esthetic, biological, and mechanical complications. Several methods reported to manage and resolve these complications are often insufficient to improve the pathological condition or satisfy patient satisfaction. In this case, implant removal should be considered. The traditional implant removal method based on the tooth extraction method has been widely used, but now, a minimally invasive surgical method based on 'reverse-torque' has been introduced. With this new method, soft and hard tissue around the implant can be preserved. In several literatures, it has been reported that the survival rate of implants repositioned in the failed site is high. Despite these results, dentists must carefully consider whether implant repositioning can meet the functional, biomechanical, and aesthetic needs of the patient before making a decision. When considering reimplantation, surrounding soft and hard tissue grafting should be considered, and it is important to understand the type of alveolar bone defect. However, if knowledge about the biological phenomena and volume changes occurring at the implant removal site is insufficient, the dentist's decision pro cess of treatment plan becomes complicated and difficult. Also, in most cases, the treatment plan is determined simply by relying only on the clinical experience of the dentist. This review aims to provide information on dentists' treatment planning decisions for failed implants. In addition to this, we would like to emphasize the importance of understanding the physiology of alveolar bone along with various considerations for implant removal methods and reimplantation.
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