- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of microcurrent taping therapy and kinesio taping therapy. Methods: We included 58 participants who met the inclusion criteria and assigned them into two groups after the randomization. We allocated 29 participants to the microcurrent taping therapy group (MCT) and the other 29 to the general kinesio taping therapy group (GT). 27 participants completed the trial in the MCT group, 27 participants in GT. We attached "I" shaped 20cm tape along the erector muscle of the spine starting from the level of S2, and another 30cm tape on the iliac crest horizontally. These "I" shaped tapes were attached on two parts of the body and were performed the same way for both groups. This procedure was done 8 times and participants visited a total of 9 times including a final visit for evaluation. We measured Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Range of Motion (ROM)and Schober's test on every visit. Participants completed a questionnaire of Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI) on the first and last visits. Results & Conclusion: There was a significant effect of microcurrent taping therapy on lower back pain, but we could not establish the superior effect of microcurrent taping therapy compared with general kinesio taping therapy.
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