- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Objectives: This study aimed to make preliminary data through the bibliometric analysis of journals registered by national research foundations of Korea for the improvement of traditional Korean medical (TKM) journals. Methods: We collected 4,396 articles from the OASIS database, which is composed of articles published by TKM societies and institutes. First, we analyzed the 'authors by year', 'average authors per article', 'articles by institute' and 'authors by institute' to get the author-related conditions. Second, we analyzed the 'reference type', 'cited times', 'IF with self citation' and 'IF without self citation' to get the citation condition. Results: First, we found that the journal order of total authors was KAOOMP (2362), KOMS (1189), and KAMS (967), and of average authors per article was KAMS (5.29), KOIMS (5.25), and KOMS (4.75). Second, we learned that the journal order of occupied article ratio by high rank institutes was SCMS (92.4%), MAS (90.03%), and KOPS (87.22%) and of occupied author ratio by high rank institutes was KOPMS (96.55%), MAS (95.19%), and SCMS (93.85%). Third, we analyzed the most highly cited reference type by journals and we found that OMCS was books,SCMS was oriental medical journals and the other 10 journals were not oriental medical journals. Finally, we observed that the journal order of self citation ratio was SCMS (16.79%), KMAS (11.77%), and OOGS (11.67%)and also that the IF order was KAMS (0.675), OOGS (0.546), and KAOH (0.430). Conclusions: Through this study we found that TKM research leans too much toward on oriental medical universities,so we insist that TKM R&D institutes must be expanded. We also found that the self citation ratio was high in TKM journals, so the ratio must be decreased to improve the quality of the TKM journals.
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