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Editorial Board

Senior Editor-in-Chief

Jaewon Choi, Soonchunhyang University Korea. Business development history(經營發展史)

Email: Managejkr@gmail.com


Eungoo Kang, Eastern International University, Vietnam. Corporate Management History(企業歷史).

Email: ekang@eiu.edu.vn

Associate Editor

Hyoyoung Lee, Duksung Women's University. Korea. Society, Education History (社會教育史)

Email: prepare@duksung.ac.kr


Editorial Board

Sung-cheon Cho, Eulji University, Language literature history(言語文學史)

Kang-young Lee, Chungbuk National University, Language literature history(言語文學史)

Hyungwook Jeong, Ajou University, Political and cultural history(政治文化史)

Myoung-Kil Youn, Eulji University, Korea. Economic history(經濟史)

Dong-Ho Seong, Yongin University, Korea. Social and cultural history(社會文化史)

Min-Jung Kang, Mokpo National University, Korea. Business development history(經營發展史)

Ji-Hye Kim, Sahmyook University, Korea. Leisure and Sports history(休閒體育史)

Hyun-il Kim, Research Institute for Sangseng Culture, Religions and philosophy history(宗敎哲學史)

Phouthakannha Nantharath, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.  Culture, Religions history(宗敎哲學史)

Byoung-Goo Kim, Korea National Open University. Korea. Hallyu and customs history(韓流史)

Managing Editor

Jeong-hwa Seo, Seoul Institute of the Arts, Korea. Architecture and Clothing History (建築服飾史)

Journal of Koreanology Reviews