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  • P-ISSN 2671-8197
  • E-ISSN 2733-936X

Problems of Science and Technology Research Environment and Its Tasks: Focused on the cases of young scientists and engineers

Korean Studies Quarterly / Korean Studies Quarterly, (P)2671-8197; (E)2733-936X
2018, v.41 no.3, pp.77-109
Yoon Choi
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This study is carried out to reveal the conditions and problems of the research environment of young scientists and engineers and subsequently to find ways to improve them. To better understand and describe their research experiences and conditions in detail, we have conducted in‒depth interviews with six graduate students and postdoctoral researchers from four universities in Seoul. The interviews show that the research environments are closely related to the specific projects which they are involved in. The results of the study also suggest that creativity of young scientists and engineers is limited due to insufficient rewards for long working hours, excessive administrative burdens, vertical structure of laboratory, research misconduct and exaggeration of research outcomes for various reasons. As a solution to these problems, we propose an R&D policy shift from state‒led, top‒down and large projects to researcher‒centered projects of small to medium scale, expansion of bottom‒up research opportunities, research support for doctoral students and change of laboratory culture.

청년 과학기술자(young scientists and engineers), 연구 환경(research environment), 연구 프로젝트(research project), 연구문화(laboratory culture)



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