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The Review of Korean Studies

  • P-ISSN1229-0076
  • E-ISSN2733-9351

The Legal Topography of Agrarian Relations in Southern Korea under Japanese Rule: Law and Tenancy Practices in Suncheon County, South Jeolla Province, 1920-1934

The Review of Korean Studies / The Review of Korean Studies, (P)1229-0076; (E)2733-9351
2009, v.12 no.2, pp.139-164


The study explores the legal topography of landlord-tenant relations in Korea under Japanese rule with particular reference to Suncheon County in South Jeolla Province during the period 1920-1934. It inquires into the legal relations between landlord and tenant with regard to the forms of tenancy contract, security of tenure, rent payment and renegotiation, and the control of the labor process. It highlights, on the one hand, gaps in rules and options in action in the functioning of the law. The study throws light on situations where multiple rules were available for invocation and application, choice between which involved conflicts between differing group interests. On the other hand, it brings into relief the structural limitations of the choice of action. It shows how the law suppressed claims that might have disrupted landlordism in a fundamental way. By bringing the two aspects together, this study attempts a nuanced interpretation of the social implications of the law and legal system of Korea under Japanese rule.

Suncheon, tenancy, peasant, landlordism, custom, Japanese rule



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The Review of Korean Studies