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The Effect of Distributor Private Brand Product Type on Consumer Attitude

Asian Journal of Business Environment / Asian Journal of Business Environment, (P)2765-6934; (E)2765-7027
2011, v.1 no.1, pp.13-20
Eun-Hee Kim (Namseoul University)
Eun-Hee Kim (Baekseok Culture University)
Moon-Jung Kim (Baekseok Culture University)
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This study is conducted to verify existing differences in consumer attitude according to distributor type and PB product type. Pre-test was conducted for this study in order to select the distributor and to classify the product type, FGI was conducted with 10 graduate students of K university in Kyong-gi. This study survey housewives, office workers, and university students excluding the participants in the pre-test. In the final analysis, research hypothesis is verified through the data of 280 answers in Korea. This research is conducted with a factor design of 3 types of distributors –department store, discount store, convenience store-and 2 types of product –utilitarian product, hedonic product. To verify the hypotheses, ANOVA is carried out. Reliability test of each measurement variables, Cronbach α coefficient is used. For each analysis, SPSS Windows 15.0 statistical program is used. The findings suggest that First, according to the size and characteristics, distributors are classified into department stores, discount stores, and convenience stores and it is verified whether if there are differences in consumers' attitude (product attitude, brand attitude and purchase intention) by the effect of different distributors. Results showed that product attitude is statistically significant. Second, product type is classified by two categories according to whether the product seeks for practicality or emotional pleasure - Utilitarian product and Hedonic product. In this context, the result after verifying whether if there is difference in the attitudes -product attitude, brand attitude, and purchase intention - in accordance with the product types is shown that utilitarian products makes bigger difference compared to hedonic products. Third, it is confirmed that there is interaction effect between product attitude and purchase intention according to the distributer type and product type. However, we find that in terms of brand attitude, there is no interaction effect. The implications of this research is as the following. First, we propose the need of PB product development and marketing strategy, which considers the product types in accordance with the scale and features of each distributor. Second, PB products should break away from the simplicity of standardized products and consider the different features of distributors. Distributors will be in need of a strategy to build a compelling brand that can differentiate itself from other distributors. This will contribute to the improvement in reliability and formation of product value.

Private Brand products, distributer type, product attitude, brand attitude, purchase intention, marketing strategy.



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Asian Journal of Business Environment