Purpose – The paper analyzes basic indicators characterizing the volume of energy sector activity in the Russian Federation, Privolzhsky Federal district, Republic of Tatarstan. Research design, data, and methodology – The study analyzed data from the Privolzhsky Federal district, specifically, industrial production volume, electricity production, energy consumption, energy-balance data, capital investments, and capital investment structure. An array of data has been investigated in recent years. The dataset’s dynamics were analyzed in 1998. Fixed capital investment dynamics were studied in 1946 the figures were converted to a comparable form using the index method. Trends were analyzed using multivariate statistics methods and the Statgraphics software package. Results – Hypothesis 1. There are sectoral disproportions in energy flows,taking into account the volume of electricity production and consumption. Trends in electricity production in general coincide with industrial production volume trends. Energy flows have disparities in individual territorial units, and in general. Hypothesis 2. The degree of sectoral economic stability decreases with insufficient levels of investment in fixed capital energy organizations. Conclusions – Because totalelectricity production is largely determined by fixed capital investments, the study of their trends and patterns will coordinate efforts on investment operations in this area.
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