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  • P-ISSN2765-6934
  • E-ISSN2765-7027
  • KCI

Factors Prompting Impulse Buying Behavior: Shoppers in Dubai

Asian Journal of Business Environment / Asian Journal of Business Environment, (P)2765-6934; (E)2765-7027
2015, v.5 no.3, pp.5-15
Sanjeev Prashar (Indian Institute of Management)
Adeshwar Raja B. (Indian Institute of Management)
V. S. Parasaran (Indian Institute of Management)
Vijay Kumar Venna (Indian Institute of Management)


Purpose This paper aims to identify and rank factors that – influence impulse buying behavior among shoppers in Dubai. Research design, data, and methodology Questionnaires – were collected from 168 Dubai shoppers using non-probability quota sampling. Factor Analysis was completed to identify factors triggering impulse buying traits. Results Six antecedent factors were identified: hedonism, – in-store influences, product related influences, socialization, promotional activities, and convenience. Surprisingly, product related influences were the most significant in stimulating impulse buying behavior. Conclusions This research suggests that a multitude of fac –- tors affect shopper propensity for impulse buying, with non-economic factors like product and in-store related influences having a significant impact. Hence, retail managers should concentrate on these in merchandising and promotional efforts. Against the backdrop of Dubai, one of the biggest retail destinations, this study contributes to present knowledge on impulse buying behavior. In terms of shopper inclinations and likeliness to purchase products, it highlights how shoppers respond to special in-store displays and discount offerings. For marketers, the findings regarding relative significance of various factors may help in strategies to attract consumers

Impulse Buying Behaviour, Principal Component Analysis, Dubai Shopping, In-store Display



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Asian Journal of Business Environment