E-ISSN : 2383-9449
On 27 June 2004, some one million voters went to the polls in Mongolia to elect 76 members of the Great State Hural, Mongolia's parliament. It was the fourth election held in Mongolia under the 1992 constitution. In the previous election, the former communist MPRP won a landslide, ousting the government of former democracy activists. Under the MPRP, Mongolia's economy performed extraordinary well. Surprisingly, the ruling Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP) lost its two-thirds majority and half its parliamentarians in the 2004 election. But the Motherland Democracy Coalition (MDC), a coalition of Mongolia's most influential opposition parties, fell short of achieving a majority of its own. After the election, a grand coalition government was formed, paving the way for profound legal, social, and economic reforms.
Brick, Andrew, Gastil Raymond, and William Kimberling. An Assessment of the Great People's Hural Mongolia.
Cheng, Kevin C. Growth and recovery in Mongolia during transition. Working Paper 03/217.
Freedom House. Freedom in the world.
Globe International. Free and Fair: A report on research conducted among media outlets and the electorate.
Mongolian Open Society Foundation. Report on the 2004 electoral campaign (in Mongolian).