ISSN : 2234-7550
Intermaxillary fixation and occusal splint are routine procedure for maxillofacial fracture and orthognathic surgery. When these methods could obstruct oral airway the patients who kept intermaxillary fixation and occusal splint in their mouth, are very difficult to breath after surgery. Nasal bleeding and pharyngeal edema due to nasotracheal intubation, residual effect of muscle relaxants, and anesthetic agent could be contributing factor of airway obstruction. In this study, pulmonary function test was evaluated before and after intermaxillary fixation, and intermaxillary fixation with occusal splint in 22 volunteers. The results were as follows 1. FVC, %FVC, $FEV_1$, $FEV_1%$, PEF, $PEF_{50}$, MVV without intermaxillary fixtion were 4.45L, 88%, 4.03L, 90.9%, 10.26L/s, 5.53L/s, and 136.14L/min, and with intermaxillary fixation were 3.51L, 68.67%, 3.06L, 69.39L, 6.52L/s, 3.94L/s, and 69.39L/min. The results with intermaxillary fixation and occusal splint were 2.15L, 42.41%, 1.71L, 38.81%, 2.83L/s, 1.74L/s, and 37.14L/min. 2. Compared with before and after intermaxillary fixation, all values of pulmonary function test were decreased and after intermaxillary fixation and intermaixillary fixation with occulasal splint, the results were decreased. 3. MVV and PEF were decreased significantly with interaxillary fixtion and occusal splint, and FVC was less decreased. It meant that intermaxillary fixation and occluasal splint induced reduction of respiratory flow significantly, but less reduction of respiratory volume. 4. Intermaxillary fixation and occulsal splint induced increase of airway resistance, decrease of expiratory volume and air flow. So severe respiratory difficulty could be seen to all volunteers who kept intermaxillary fixtion and occusal splint. 5. In classification of respiratory difficulty, intermaxillary fixation with occulsal splint induced complex respiratory difficulty more than intermaxillary fixation only did. From the above results, doctors who care patients kept intermaxillary fixation and occusal splint should be aware of respiratory depression caused by these treatment.