ISSN : 2234-7550
Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) can induce severe pain but, its pathogenic mechanisms remain poorly understood. In this study, we analyzed proteomes of human synovial fluid in the superior joint space in the patients with TMD, which is obtained during the treatment arthrocentesis. We’ve got this result that one of the spots was consistently down-regulated in synovial fluid of patients with TMD from analysis of protein pattern. Its molecular weight was estimated to be 33 kDa. Synoviolin was identified in our proteomics analysis of LC/MS/MS. This protein was recently reported as one of the proteins that might affect rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Synoviolin that might be associated with RA was detected in synovial fluid of patients with TMD. We can conclude that synoviolin might be involved not only in the pathogenesis of RA but also in TMD. In result, synoviolin might be involved in the pathogenesis of TMD and can be candidates as new therapeutic targets of TMD or early detection biomarkers.