ISSN : 2234-7550
Submentovertex(SMV) projection shows the base of skull, positions of mandibular condyle and zygomatic arches. We would like to investigate how to use SMV and evaluate its availability for the construciton of the plan for orthognathic surgery of mandible prognathism and asymmetry. Preoperative Surgical Treatment Objective(STO) using SMV was performed to 12 patients, who visited to Seoul National University Bundang Hospital with chief complaints like mandible prognathism or asymmetry from Dec 2007 to Feb 2009. Surgical splint was made of stone model repositioned according to STO using SMV. We estimate the change in skeletal midline and the stability of occlusion through superposition between preoperative and postoperative SMV. It was effective on the amount of mandible movement and the correction of mandibular asymmetry, while the facial asymmetry involved with maxilla was excluded. It was concluded that STO using SMV is available and predictable method for not only the setback of prognathic mandible but also the correction of mandible asymmetry accurately.