ISSN : 2234-7550
Purpose: Many patients in anti-platelet therapy have been consulted for bleeding risks before minor oral surgery. However, there has not been anestablished pretreatment protocol for treating these patients. The purpose of this study is to make a protocol for the preoperative management forpatients in anti-platelet therapy. Patients and Methods: The existed consultation pattern of patients was examined in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, YonseiDental Hospital. Based on the observation, a protocol including classification of medical status of patients and the type of oral surgery in need wasintroduced. This protocol had been performed for 6 months. Result: Following this protocol, the frequency of consultation for bleeding risk was decreased. The number of minor oral surgeries with concurrentanti-platelet therapy was increased. There was no severe bleeding event observed among minor oral surgeries that were performed while maintaininganti-platelet therapy. Conclusion: This protocol can be used as a guideline for clinical practice of patients in anti-platelet therapy requiring minor oral surgery.