ISSN : 2234-7550
Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is an infection that spreads along the fascial planes, causing subcutaneous tissue death characterized by rapid progression, systemic toxicity, and even death. NF often appears as a red, hot, painful, and swollen wound with an ill-definedborder. As the infective process con-tinues, local pain is replaced by numbness or analgesia. As the disease process continues, the skin initially becomes pale, then mottled and purple, and finall, gangrenous. The ability of NF to move rapidly along fascial planes and cause tissue necrosis is secondary to its polymicrobial composition and the synergistic effect of the enzymes produced by the bacteria. Treatment involves securing the airway, broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy, intensive care support, and prompt surgical debridement, repeated as needed. Reducing mortality rests on early diagnosis and prompt aggressive treatment.