ISSN : 2234-7550
This study examined the effects of a vertical incision on postoperative edema after third molar extraction. The study design was that of a comparative split-mouth approach. Evaluation was performed via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Two patients with homogeneous bilateral impacted mandibular third molars were enrolled. These patients underwent facial MRI within 24 hours after simultaneous extraction surgery. Modified triangular flap and enveloped flap incisions were made. Postoperative edema was evaluated by MRI and was assessed according to anatomical space. The two pairs of homogeneous extractions demonstrated that vertical incisions were associated qualitatively and quantitatively with extensive postoperative edema. The edema associated with these incisions spread toward the buccal space, beyond the buccinator muscle. In conclusion, a vertical incision with mandibular third molar extraction was related to edema in the buccal space and the fascial space, which contributed to clinical facial swelling.