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ISSN : 0376-4672
The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of the C-shaped canal of permanent mandibular second molar (PMSM) in Korean sub-population using Cone-Beam CT (CBCT) data and analyze the types of C-shaped canal. Materials & Methods : The protocol for this study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the Pusan National University Hospital (E-2011039). Among the CBCT images taken of patients who visited the St. Bennedict Dental Hospital (Busan, Korea) from May 2008 to April 2011 for implant surgery and surgical removal of impacted teeth, high-quality CBCTs from 705 patients (361 male and 342 female) were screened and 607 PMSMs of 383 patients were evaluated retrospectively. All PMSMs were anatomically analyzed in detail by using image viewer software (EasyDent; Vatech). PMSMs were evaluated in the axial plane to investigate the shape of root and canals. The C-shaped canals were classified into five types. The total incidence,gender ratio, bilateral and unilateral appearance, and the correlation between right-side and left-side occurrences of C-shaped PMSMs were computed and compared statistically using the chi-square test. Results : Among the 607 PMSMs of 383 CBCTs of 187 females and 196 males, 198 PMSMs (32.6%) had C-shaped root and 158 PMSMs (26.0%) had C-shaped canals. The shape of C-shaped root canals at the furcation level did not have significant change at the level of mid root (P<0.0001). Female had more prevalence of C-shaped root canals than male (P<0.0001). The prevalence of bilateral occurrence of C-shaped root canals was higher than unilateral occurrence. Conclusions : The occurrence of C-shaped PMSMs among a Korean population was 32.6% and was higher than other countries and ethnicities. Understanding the prevalence of PMSMs with a C-shaped root and/or canal in a Korean population may be useful for successful endodontic treatments.
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