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  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30



치의학 교육에서의 영어 교육: 외국인 환자-치과의사 간의 의사소통 역량 개발을 중심으로

Dental English Education for Korean Dental Students: Focused on Development of Foreign Patient-Dentist Communication Skills


This research aims to explore the dental students’ perceptions of the need for dental English education to improve commu nication skills competency between foreign patients and dentists. In this study, a total of 137 Korean dental school students participated and were divided into two groups based on their direct patient care experience (Yes: 44 students and No: 93 students). The questionnaire composed of 5-point Likert scale questions, multiple-choice grid questions, and open-ended questions, was administered to investigate dental students’ responses and additional opinions on communication skills in patient- and foreign patient-dentist interaction. Findings indicate that dental students were highly aware of the need for education on communication skills between patients and dentists regardless of the patient’s nationality. Interestingly, when comparing group results based on direct patient care experience, students without direct care experience showed a high need for education in patient-dentist communication skills. Surprisingly, the quantitative results of this research were also sup ported by their responses and the open-ended questions of the questionnaire (qualitative results). This research suggests that communication skills education in dental education plays a key role in developing the student’s competency in communica tion skills between patient-foreign patient-dentists. More detailed results, discussions, and pedagogical implications of the findings are given for dental English education and further potential research directions.

English for specific purposes (ESP), Communication skills, Patient-dentist interaction (PDI), Foreign patients, Dental education, Globalization



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