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메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
Dental implants that restore lost teeth are no longer a difficult choice. In past years, osseointegration and mar ginal bone level stability were regarded as success criteria. However, clinicians and patients consider aesthetic requirements a critical success factor. Therefore, the review of literatures and cases was conducted from a surgi cal point of view when placing implants for the long-term results with desired requirements. The author demonstrated that 1) appropriate 3D implant placement position (vertical position of depth and distance considering the attachment level of adjacent teeth; horizontal position considering the outer edge of the jaw bone), 2) appropriate bone width around the implant and surrounding gingiva (buccal bone, keratinized gingiva, thickness above the implant, vestibular depth) area needed for esthetic and functional implants.
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10. Buser D, Chappuis V, Bornstein MM, Wittneben JG, Frei M, Belser UC. Long-term stability of contour augmentation with early implant placement following single tooth extraction in the esthetic zone: a prospective, cross-sectional study in 41 patients with a 5-to 9-year follow-up. Journal of periodontology. 2013 Nov;84(11):1517-27.
11. Chen ST, Buser D. Esthetic outcomes following immediate and early implant placement in the anterior maxilla—a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2014 Jan 1;29(Suppl):186-215.
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15. Schneider D, Grunder U, Ender A, Hämmerle CH, Jung RE. Volume gain and stability of peri-implant tissue following bone and soft tissue augmentation: 1-year results from a prospective cohort study. Clinical oral implants research. 2011Jan;22(1):28-37.
16. Jung RE, Herzog M, Wolleb K, Ramel CF, Thoma DS, Hämmerle CH. A randomized controlled clinical trial comparing small buccal dehiscence defects around dental implants treated with guided bone regeneration or left for spontaneous healing. Clinical oral implants research. 2017 Mar;28(3):348-54.