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메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
‘A picture is worth a thousand words.' In this short adage, the goal and desire achieved through this article focusing on the history of dentistry through paintings is contained. Past experience, whether direct or indirect, is an invaluable asset for dentists. In essence, the past teaches us vicariously, has historical lessons, and is a compass for the future. One of the attractions of art is that it helps people empathize. This is especially true of the power of painting. Even without words or explanations, paintings connect people from the past to modern times. Moreover, if you listen to an explanation of the historical significance of a particular painting, you discover a deeper understand ing and connection to the events depicted. In this study, famous dental paintings in art museums from around the world will be introduced. In addition, the dental paintings will be considered and discussed as evidence of the life and times of famous painters of the past, and as related to dentistry in particular. We conclude the tour as experts of dental history paintings.
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